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Saturn 03/12/10


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It's been about 20 months since I last had a crack at this baby, and boy has it moved away and gotten smaller !:D

These were all taken earlier today with the Venus shots at F34 with the Intes 715D and Lumenera 070M and an Astronomik 742 IR filter. Used the AE PhotoSupreme 2x Barlow.

Freezing cold ! Transparency was good but seeing not so !

Tricky little blighter he was ! Well I'll be 'aving another go at catching 'im as he moves back into the night when the central heating systems are less likely to be pumpimg hot gas out into the atmos !




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Cheers guys ! Took a while for my toes to warm up again ! inspite of all the xtra !

SN and Eqmod didn't want to talk to one another for some reason this am which kinda put me behind schedule, I was out for 5am latest and IT WAS SERIOUSLY COLD, -11*C, but soooo much twinkling going on everywhere, even high up !

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Its hard at the mo Karlo as it gets brighter you might be able to go up in scale a little bit. tube exstenders are good for this as power can be increased by small amounts.But i think you did well here, as well as can be expected at the moment.

The brightest one has come out best hasnt it. Nice capture

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Cheers again guys , yes Neil it has, it was the one where i had allowed Reg V5 to stretch the Tif s. I find it a little more laborious but generally the effort of converting the lucam .ser files into tifs gives good results.

I'm just pleased to have managed to drag myself out of bed and catch this lickle beasty


Pretty sure conds will improve

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