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My first post here. I'm a 16 y.o. dude from Romania and I've been into everything related to the universe for the last months. During the last days my attention went to astronomy and I'm happy with this. Before I'll buy a pair of binoculars I want to study as hard as I can.

After 4 days with foggy sky, tonight happened to be a clear one. So I've thought I'll glance at the sky and try to see some stars,then find them on Stellarium. I had great success for the first time.

I've noticed 3 stars kind of following a line and 2 more stars near it(the one on the left was brighter). Well, I went into Stellarium and seen that the thing I've seen was actually the Orion belt(I've heard about it before). That made me search for even more stars:evil6:

So after ~1 hour of observing I've managed to learn a few stars(Betelgeuse,Rigel,Bellatrix,Alnitak,Alnilam,Mintaka,Aldebaran and a bit lower from Orion, Sirius from the Canina Major Constelation or something like that)

Sorry for the long "welcome" post but I'm really excited about this and I thought I'd share it with you.


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Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and is also one of the nearest stars to the sun.

Have you spotted Jupiter yet (brightest thing in the sky right now except for the moon)? And the Pleiades should be high overhead right now - look for a fuzzy bluish patch.

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Hi GothicFighter,

A very warm welcome to SGL you must feel pleased with your first observations, if you proceed as far as purchasing a pair of bins, you will begin to see a lot more stars and things of interest as you work through the constellations, enjoy the forum.


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