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Finally on the TV firm


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Hi Guys

Further to the great advice given to me by the SGL members during my thread http://stargazerslounge.com/equipment-help/114303-recommended-eps-f-4-7-10-dob.html I decided to give the Televue's a go. A month later and here is my present collection.

Granted the collection is shy of a couple of EP's but my pocket is shy of a lot of ££££'s so I will have to make do with my old plossl's to fill the gap.

Due to exit pupil issues with a 250px I have kept the selection quite tight. I have my 20 x 60's for low power but I'm looking to get a 31mm Baader Hyperion Aspheric ( will be pushing exit of 6.5 which I may just manage ) for the telescope at a later date along with a 9mm Nagler to fill the medium power bracket. . If anyone has any info on either ep I would be grateful to hear their thoughts.

I feel I have done reasonably OK covering the needs of both my 200p and 250 dob. They are both fast scopes so the eyepiece upgrade was considered necessary although costly but I have already seen improvements. I know I don't have the best choice of TV's but I've found while searching that most EP's have pros and cons and they say beggars can't be choosers. I have had to go with what came available on the secondhand market at a price I could afford. I consider it a start and until I win the lottery it will have to do :D

The purchases were mainly for my 250 but thats in it's B'day suit waiting for Protostar dressing The experience I had so far in the 200p has been an amazing improvement and I can't wait to get under dark skies with me dob to really get that "space walk"

Thanks to everyone who has give me advice.

Special Thanks to Shane, Mike, Rob and Alastair

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so hard on my wallet, more so on my other hobbies. I had to sell all my rifles to get funds for these EP's. I'm sure it will be worth it if the skies were to ever clear :eek: I was fortunate to pick most up 2nd hand and in premium condition but the hand had to go deep down in my pocket for the 9mm, as they just don't seem to come up used.

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Not so hard on my wallet, more so on my other hobbies. I had to sell all my rifles to get funds for these EP's. I'm sure it will be worth it if the skies were to ever clear :eek: I was fortunate to pick most up 2nd hand and in premium condition but the hand had to go deep down in my pocket for the 9mm, as they just don't seem to come up used.

Nice glass....but you might miss the rifles when a neighbour puts up a 10kw security light!

:p who said that......(looks over both shoulders)

I've just got the two TVs, a 5mm T6 Nag and a 35mm Pan. Love them both, although am considering swapping the T6 for a 5mm Pentax XW... The 14mm I have is just divine to use with screw up eye cups and generous relief.

Oh and a 4x powermate that's just not usable with the t6 (silly mag) but gives good results with my 14XW if the seeing is very steady.

The Pan though....my word! I just feel like I'm floating with that. I'm too scared to try an ethos because I know I could never justify the cost, but if it beats the panoptic....WOW.

Al certainly knows his stuff.

Green and Black always good.... They make nice chocolate too.... :)

Clear skies


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I've just got the two TVs, a 5mm T6 Nag and a 35mm Pan. Love them both, although am considering swapping the T6 for a 5mm Pentax XW... The 14mm I have is just divine to use with screw up eye cups and generous relief.

I missed out recently on 10 & 14mm XW for £320 the pair which I thought a good price given how much they are new. I know the FOV are not as great as a Nag but I think because of the huge eye releif it may feel more? (if you get what I mean) I have only looked through one in the day light but would love to compaire the 14 to my 16 Nag. I have read that the 14 XW offers the best views from the range. I have been told the 35 Pan is superb and I itch every time one comes up but the exit pupil would be wasted. The best I can do at a push is 32 in my setup. I would love the 31mm Nag and although they do come up used you have to be quick. Let me know if you decide to get rid of the 5mm Nag :eek:

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I had a chance to borrow a 10mm Pentax XW for a while to compare it with the Nagler T6 9mm I had then. It was a very close call but I felt the XW had a touch better light transmission than the Nagler. The big eye lens of the Pentax makes the FoV seem larger than 68 degrees. I was happy to hang onto my T6 Nagler though as I really like ultra-wide eyepieces. I believe the 10mm XW is considered the pinnacle of an excellent range.

At this level though we are talking about very slight differences in the way the eyepiece does things rather than either being "better" or "worse" than the other.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was lucky to come across Ilias Galanis from Greece who is one of the most genuine people you could ever be in touch with when dealing with some one outside of the UK. And because of him I now have my new edition low power 22mm Nagler T4 eye piece.

I had originally planned on going for a 27mm Panoptic but was let down by the sellers communication. As it happens thank god for that!! The Panoptic would have been a nice addition as it's slightly lighter and offers a good FOV but with a touch better FOV from the 22mm and greater contrast from the higher magnification made this one eyepiece not to be missed. And believe me you can't miss it!

Well the finishing post is with in sight now and I only have the 13mm Nagler to complete what I think will be a reasonable good set of eye pieces compared to my buy in the box Celestron Plossl set I started with. Although these will get plenty of use when my son decides he wants to look at the stars :)

To make the best of the dark nights and simply because I'm not a patient man the 13mm may soon be joining the set as an early xmas present (fingers crossed) so looks like it will only be the socks to open come Christmas day :D

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Nice one Spaceboy !

I see you own the Nagler T5 20mm as well - I moved from a 22mm T4 to a 20mm T5 so I'd be interested in how they compare for you. Are you intending to keep them both ? - the amount of sky shown is very close between them but, in use, I found that they do have different characteristics.

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Nice one Spaceboy !

I see you own the Nagler T5 20mm as well - I moved from a 22mm T4 to a 20mm T5 so I'd be interested in how they compare for you. Are you intending to keep them both ? - the amount of sky shown is very close between them but, in use, I found that they do have different characteristics.

Hi John

I agree there is doubt to if the 20 will be worth having as the 16 & 22 will complement each other perfectly with noticeable FOV & magnification difference between them. I figured I'd see what the pros & cons were between the 20 & 22 before deciding if was worth selling the 20. The 20 is a nice weight so I think I would lean more towards this when viewing most objects but the 22 would be straight in on those objects when you just want to dive into the eyepiece. It may seem silly to most but the double in Perseus is my most favorite object in the sky (so far). I found although I could get the double cluster in the FOV of the 20 it was a little claustrophobic for me and this is were the search for a lower power EP came from. The 27 pan seemed the most obvious choice due to cost and drop in magnification compared to the 20. The 22 nag & 27 pan have almost identical FOV with the 22 working out slightly better. So despite what may look to be a some what tight magnification choice 20N & 22N is actually on paper the same FOV as if I'd gone with 20N-27P but should offer better contrast. For me contrast was found to be a big issue coming from a F/10 to a F/5 and it was brought to my attention that this was down to the exit pupil achieved in a fast scope. A 27 pan was 5.6mm exit and a 22 was 4.6mm exit so this was also a big factor in choosing the 22. This again is improved on slightly with the 20 at 4.2mm exit which rides on the favor of keeping the 20 for most low power work.

Who knows only time will tell if it works for me but due to some funds coming in from selling my 127 Skymax and a strict budget I can enjoy both the 20 & 22 for a while :)

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Superb collection Spaceboy!. I am about to go for the 13mm Nagler, was waiting for the hint of a discount at Telescope House. Can I ask how much you paid for yours?


Hi Alan

I would recommend Stayfocused they are the cheapest I found for TV's and postage is free. Just ask for Steve if you ring.


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