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What will Uranus look like?

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I've been trying to find Uranus with my little 4.5 inch reflector, and am not expecting too much, through my scope would it look like a bluendot? Or would I be able like with Jupiter to see some of the bigger moons as tiny dots?

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Its clearly a disk at anything above (going from memory) about x150 in my ED120. Absolutely no surface detail though obviously!!! Some of the larger moons can be seen in medium sized scopes but I don't think a 4.5" refractor will be enough to show them.

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To my eyes it looks blue/green. It may be the atmosphere at the time or that my eyes aren't very good. As said already you will need quite a high magnification to see it as a disk and it's easily overlooked without good maps. I tend to just track it in the bins.

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Have not managed to see Uranus this yesr so far but have before with my 925. I could make out the planet but no moons even using my 9mm Nagler. It appeared to gave a slightly greenish impression more than blue to me.

Clear Skies


This is because TV's coatings give false colour not because of the planet. My celestron LPR filter shows Jupiter slightly green in the same way so I assume this is how TV's acheive such good contrast. ( a little bit of lpr coating in the mix)

I have seen Uranus through my 10" (with a 6.5 SP) as a clear disc and with a clear colour blue to it. I have also seen it through my 8" although the seeing was not as good and it was a little smaller you could still make out a disc shape. Although it was a little harder to find in the 8" it was still a respectable view of the planet.

I may be wrong but I would think you will struggle to get anything more than a tiny disc like image from a 4 1/2" and you would have to scan real slow not to confuse it with a star. I should think there would be a slightly noticable white/blue tinge to the colour with dark adapted eyes.

Good luck with the search

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I saw Uranus I few nights ago in my 150 startravel. In all eyepieces it resolved as a greenish disc. For me it was definitley more green than blue. I could not see any surface detail and no moons. :D

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I saw Uranus I few nights ago in my 150 startravel. In all eyepieces it resolved as a greenish disc. For me it was definitley more green than blue. I could not see any surface detail and no moons. :)

Try using a plossl (high power or low power & barlow) this may show a different colour :D

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