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Poll: Have Aliens Visited Earth?


Have aliens visited Earth?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Have aliens visited Earth?

    • Yes
    • Probably
    • Not Sure
    • Unlikely
    • No

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Apologies if this has been done, following the interesting does alien life exist poll and mention of a personal experience of a UFO, what does SGL think about UFOs/have aliens visited us?

Have aliens visited the Earth?

1) Yes, I would say aliens have visited Earth.

2) Aliens have probably visited Earth.

3) Not sure either way whether aliens have visited Earth.

4) It's very unlikely aliens have visited Earth.

5) No, I would say aliens have not visited Earth.

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I have been a supporter of both the yes and no camps and as of right now I guess I am firmly in the middle, there is very little credible evidence to say either way. Certainly some interesting reports and incidents and even history raises the eyebrow at times. But of late I have not come across much that can be linked to alien visitation. Youtube is full of trash and the amount of times I have heard people say they saw a UFO when it was a satellite or meteor. There is also to what extent the aliens are here to consider, I mean are they just here to annoy the cattle, experiment on us or do they have a secret alliance with world governments? I'm not sure I believe any of that to be honest.

Anyway I voted not sure.

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Actually NASA did confirm that fast mover that dipped into the atmosphere after coming in from the outer Solar System. It was tracked by the early warning satellite system or something?

The fast mover that definitely powered out of the atmosphere after entry and then headed away (had to power out, otherwise it was well and truly 'caught'). ;)

Doesn't mean there were 'aliens' on it though. :)

So I voted 'Not sure'.

PS other than that, I think we have been far smarter, for far longer, than we give ourselves credit for.

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i think yes, i know alot of youtube vids claimnig to be ufos are utter rubish but you have to think of one main thing here

where do you draw the line between US technology that they arent telling about and alien spacecraft-personally i think there's a good mix of both in the skies


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I think it is extremely unlikely,but you never know, I've heard people say things like "how do you explain such a fast advancement in technology in the last 100 years" and this doesn't gel with me really. Why would a civilisation advanced enough to travel all the way here not even bother showing themselves?, surely so called government conspiracies wouldn't be enough to hide them. Personally I think if aliens were here we would know it very quickly, I think it would be more than obvious.

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Mmm, good question.

I think people are looking in the wrong place though, instead of looking up we should be looking closer to home, ie the Oceans :)

Very interesting really since apparently a high percentage of UFO sightings are near bodies of water, the theory being they either have a base under the water, or actually use it as fuel.

I'm quite a firm believer in ET's presence on or near Earth right now. Sadly though as people have said 99% of videos and evidence out there does turn out to be total hogwash. Then you get the fanatics who talk about reptilians disguised as humans!

I regularly read Above Top Secret forum, and from time to time there are some great threads on there, backed up with research and evidence. For example;

Battle of Los Angeles, a prime example of an officially reported UFO sighting with a great photo and witness accounts, yet not widely known. Well, it's now being made into a film, so will possibly lose more credibility as a real event.

The US Navy leading the real US Space Command, just google Naval Space Command, its the first link.

There's also a few official NASA radio conversations and videos which suggest the presence of ET or UFO.

Then there are the 'whistle-blowers' apparent retired military bods coming clean about what they have seen or told to say etc.

I won't say the government are run by evil reptilian overlords! But I do think they only tell the public what they want them to know about.

I like the idea Earth is like our Galaxies North Korea, we think we know what's happening outside our little bubble, but we only know what we're told, and hardly ever question it.

Who knows, I think the whole topic of Aliens is fascinating!

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Considering the age of the universe, if we meet space-travelling aliens I think they are likely to have had technology for more than a million years because the likelyhood they would have been around for about as long as us must be tiny, either they would be way behind us and not discovered space flight or way ahead of us and have changed their bodies into...what - machines? a cloud of organised particles ?? (See Arthur C. Clarkes writings)

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Mmm interesting. I remember years ago claims that Margaret Thatcher supposedly said something that implied the government was keeping quiet on UFOs, as it would freak out the population. Not sure if she has ever commented on the claim or otherwise talked about UFOs?

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Mmm interesting. I remember years ago claims that Margaret Thatcher supposedly said something that implied the government was keeping quiet on UFOs, as it would freak out the population. Not sure if she has ever commented on the claim or otherwise talked about UFOs?

The Govt Cover Up claim is deeply embedded in UFO mythology and always has been. To the best of my knowledge only the CIA ever took UFOs seriously and then it was in the days of fities/early sixties paranoia when they were hiring conjourers, looking for truth drugs and flinging each other out of hotel windows. (Try 'A Terrible Mistake,' for a thorough history of this period.) UFO buffs only have to step out of the pub for two minutes to see one while those of us out all night year in, year out, never do.

But I couldn't answer in this poll because the terms are not defined so as to encompass my position. I think it possible that life was seeded from space so we might all be 'aliens' in some sense.

But am I convinced by Eric Von Daniken? No!


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