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hello i'm matt from Lincoln. loved reading about astronomy for years so i finally decided to get a telescope the other day (heritage 3 inch reflector) and caught the bug :) want to upgrade to a bigger telescope maybe 6 inch ish but watching the pennies so if anyone can recommend one for up to £250 ish i'd be much obliged



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Hey Welcome along, you'll love it here, very friendly and very knowledgable group.

With regard your budget, have a look around for known names, as long as you dont buy 'tack' you'll be ok (by tack i mean cheap no branders)

Skywatcher, Celestron, Meade etc etc are all good makes and anything around the 5"/6" mark will keep you going for a long time :)

Anyways, enjoy your stay

All the best


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Hi Matt, welcome to the group.

If you're looking for a scope that will last you for a while then a popular one, which on FLO is just under budget is:-

Reflectors - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

It's a "real" scope with a "real" mount for a very good price.

Common advice is, if you can, visit an astronomy club and have a play with people scopes before making a choice.

Anyway. Welcome to SGL. :)


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Hi from me too :)

For £250 you could get a pretty decent scope like this one

Reflectors - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

or this one

Reflectors - Skywatcher Explorer 150PL EQ3-2

If you wanted an EQ type mount either of those would be good OR you get get more aperture using a DObsonian mount same type of mount as your Heritage scope but on a larger scale like this...

Dobsonians - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

Worth giving Steve a ring at FLO and see what he suggests. Any of those scopes above will do a fair bit, are serious scopes which will show a lot.

YOu do need patience though - so I would definitely say get some eyetime in and make sure its what you want to do.

Bear in mind also that bigger scopes are - well - BIG. SO they cdan eat space in a house and factor that in for storage and also transporting when you want to fgo to a nice dark sky site.

Hope thats of some help.

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Hello Matt

Welcome to SGL, Like you I hail from the fair county of Lincolnshire and you will find several others here also.

There is also an East Midlands Group attached to SGL together with a couple of local star parties being organised so joining SGL will help you get the most out of your time.


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Hey Matt, welcome to SGL. I can't really offer much advice as I'm new to this stuff myself, but they say the best telescope is the one you use the most. So while a large dob may afford excellent views, you've gotta make sure you have somewhere to (a) keep it, and (:o use it. Depends on your circumstances of course, but something that size would definitely be out of the question for me.

I've chosen to go for a small Mak because (a) it's small, (:) it's fairly light weight, and © it's a closed tube so I don't have to worry so much about filth getting on the mirrors.

Be interested to hear what you get in the end - make sure you post your decision!

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