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Philips SPC880NC is now.......


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Flashed my first Cam tonight and grabbed a quick image. I have no IR cut, and it was very gusty.. also no registax whiz. sorry for my lack expertise!. Used my 3x Vixen barlow. only had my RA drive on also. Not great, but an insight to where / how good the cam maybe??


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PHD offers, in its camera dialog, "Long exposure webcam with LXUSB" and "Long exposure webcam with Parallel/Serial" so I think it can use LX modded webcams as guide cameras.

Hi, I have started using Phd for guiding with a modded webcam I use the "Long exposure webcam with Parallel/Serial".

I bought a USB/serial converter off ebay,one of the blue see- through

types and it didn't work at all then I bought one the same type as this one (not the same seller though)

USB to Serial RS232/RS 232 Cable Converter/Adapter DB9 on eBay (end time 06-Oct-10 13:28:40 BST)

It worked fine on my XP machine and because I had refitted the cam in a larger box I removed the USB board from it's case (the two shells of the case are not glued and are just a press fit) and installed it in the cam box and a length of serial cable has enough wires to get the cam USB and the converter wires out to 2 usb plugs at the end making a tidy job at my USB hub.

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Talking about capture software, tried Sharpcap but it just crashes for me when I select the flashed webcam (Netbook running XP), but Craterlet works ok. Anyone else having issues with Sharpcap?

First check you have the latest version of SharpCap (1.0.11) - older versions have been causing problems for some people. If that doesn't help, send me a PM with any info about the crash (particularly the info that comes up in the crash dialog) and I'll see if I can work out what is going wrong. I'm still working on getting SharpCap to support controlling these cams properly (all the controls available in the right panel) and I'm on the track of getting it to work, but still some way to go.



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Hi Robin, thanks for that - it's at home and i'm at work, so will do that later. I have 1.0.11, and just get the Windows "application crashed, do you want to send information to Microsoft" box come up.

I'm wondering if maybe it's because my Netbook has a built-in webcam too. If I select that, then Sharpcap works fine - but is taking pictures of me at the keyboard :) . it's only when I switch to the flashed SPC900NC that it crashes. If I don't click ok/cancel (or whatever the options are on the 'report to microsoft' box, I forget) then some activity continues in the Sharpcap window.

Proper problem report to come later.

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Hi Robin, thanks for that - it's at home and i'm at work, so will do that later. I have 1.0.11, and just get the Windows "application crashed, do you want to send information to Microsoft" box come up.

I'm wondering if maybe it's because my Netbook has a built-in webcam too. If I select that, then Sharpcap works fine - but is taking pictures of me at the keyboard :) . it's only when I switch to the flashed SPC900NC that it crashes. If I don't click ok/cancel (or whatever the options are on the 'report to microsoft' box, I forget) then some activity continues in the Sharpcap window.

Proper problem report to come later.

Ohh, that's interesting. That means it's crashing somewhere inside the Philips driver code, rather than in my code - SharpCap may be telling it to do something stupid.

I'll get back to you by PM later with some instructions on how to capture a crash dump and send it to me. Might be tomorrow as I'm busy today.



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