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M70 seen - the Messier complete

Mark at Beaufort

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I have attempted the Messier list many times but always failed to view M70. Last night was so clear I set up the Dob for general DSO observing and the 4" APO frac to hunt down M70. The southern horizon was totally clear and I could detect stars to about -33/-34 Dec.

Using the 4" frac, 2" Televue dielectric diagonal and a 26mm Nagler I started the hunt. Starting with Kaus Media you come to a diagonal line of 3 stars the bottom being 18. Then another fainter diagonal line of 3 stars before you reached a line of 5 or 6 stars which includes the 2 brightest HIP90763 and HIP91014 both being about 5 mag.

I first checked out M69 which is very close to HIP90772 about 40' above HIP90763. There it was very clear so I switched to the 13mm Ethos for a closer view.

Then the big test M70. I watch the stars drift through HIP91386 and HIP91713 which is about 14' from M70 and there was a faint glow in the 26mm Nagler. Switch again to the 13mm Ethos to confirm that it was a Glob so at long last I could detect M70

So the Messier list is now complete :p


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Congratulations Mark. M70 is not easy being of such low declination in Sag. It would be impossible for me up here in't far North. I would need to travel to complete a Messier Marathon.

By all accounts, M70 is a nice bright Glob. 3 arc. mins diameter. 14th to 17th Mag. stars in the middle.

So you can rest easy now, job done, and a good one too.


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Thanks for the comments guys I was really pleased last night. I have tried with a 5" SCT, 6" SCT, 6" frac and the 4" frac that I used last night but could never see the Glob even though I knew where it was located.

The quality of the seeing last night through my frac and Nagler and Ethos EPs was brilliant.

For the future I need to complete the UK Caldwell list but some are very faint. I used the 10" Dob after viewing M70 and found NGC 185 but the other Caldwell NGC 147 I cannot be convinced that I could see it. Perhaps I need your 16" Dob Mick.


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Congratulations Mark, a noteworthy achievement. I'm in the same boat as Ron unfortunately, too far North to do that without travelling. If only Messier had lived in Newcastle and not Paris - Well done.


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