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Say hello to my new kit(for me that is), all the way from Mockba !!

TBH I never thought I'd get my mits on one of these and probably wouldn't have if it hadn't been for "Moocher " spotting it and letting me know without buying it himself ;)

MASSIVE thanks to m'old chucker Alan !!:D:D:icon_salut:

So what is it ??

Intes Micro ( Alter) M715 DeLuxe

7" of pure Russian loveliness, an absolut classic and .....old enough to have proper "Astro Sital" primary mirror !

Took it out last night cos it was clear ( when was the last time you bought a scope and managed to get out with the same night ;)). It was out of collimation but a few tweaks on the secondary and bob's your uncle !!

Jupiter beware ! Planet killer about :eek:

I promised some astropawn, more like readers' wives in terms of photo quality but you'll get the idea :(

In ain't heavy BTW




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Jupiter is going to look just stunning through that :D

certainly hope so :D

Its as previously described, built like a tank ! I'm already considering putting a SCT crayford on it with a motorised focuser in due time, but definitely looking fwd to Autumn now. I'll take looksie thru a WA 2" EP next time out too ;)

the wife was a little puzzled :(

A Cape and an Intes -quite a mix ;)

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That looks like a tasty bit of kit... Did you say this was second hand and old... It looks in really good nick

It ( the scope itself), is in XLNT nick-the guy had only used it a couple of times over 3yrs and not at all for nearly 2 !

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Nice one Karlo, i like Maks, i had 2 (over different times ) meade 7" f15, you will like its lunar performance, Thought my mak was better on the moon ( strongest ) but of course planets and double stars are a strength too. Jupiter with it this year will be nice as its brighter than Saturn, you will be able to get some nice noise free shots with it. Your Mak was probably better than my meades i reckon. Looks in great nick def a plus. if your interested to show you what a 7" mak can do on lunar theres a few shots i still have on my website. Hope you find it interesting, if you have a bash at the moon aim for about f30 under a high calm moon Karlo. when the air steadys you will have some good contrasy sharp shots popping out Neil phillips lunar and planetary images

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Why is it that everything thats built in Russia, looks like.... well, ......something that the Russians would build? (if you get my drift!:D)

Beautiful looking scope by the way Karlo:)

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These particular Maks are quite legendary.

just look at that baffling !!

Actually, that style of baffling is more than slightly pointless on a Mak design, but I agree it looks good - almost like Dalek technology - very nice.

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