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Wide Screen Centre


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On Monday lunch time I spoke to Simon at the Wide Screen Centre. I was after advice on mounting my 1000d onto either of my 2 refractors, I was also after a Astronomik CLS clip filter.

So, having decided on what to buy I ordered the filter, a t-ring and a WO 2" canmera adaptor, all arrived yesterday.

Top marks to Simon and the Wide Screen Centre for excellent service and great delivery times.



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  • 1 year later...

Not very impressive service!

Have enquired about an Orion ShortTube 80 from them. They responded very promptly to e-mails, which was all well and good.

I then discovered that SCS Astro have the same OTA for £10 cheaper. As Widescreen had been so helpful, I asked them if they'd cut me a deal. Fair enough, I thought, they could either say yes or no, their perogative.

They haven't bothered to respond to my e-mail! I've sent it twice over the last week and each time have received a read receipt, so I know they've seen it.

Even if they'd said no, I'd still have ordered from them. But as they haven't bothered to respond at all, I'll be taking my business elsewhere!

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  • 4 months later...

I have purchased a number of items including Ethos, telegizmo and an Orion star seek dealing with Simon on each occasion.

A fault developed on the Starseek after only a week and after researching discovered it was a (not common) but known problem (by the manufacturer not the Widescreen centre). I contacted Simon who instructed me to send it straight back and they would immediately send a replacement.

Very good service-thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

I had pretty low expectations of The Widescreen Centre after previous experiences and they have managed to live down to them. Overall I've had 3 communications with them over about £5, 500 worth of custom that's now gone elsewhere.

First - enquired about some software via email. Had a reply promising to look into it followed by precisely no further emails.

Second - I had the "cheek" to 'phone up about what would have been a multi-thousand pound order half an hour before closing. Was told by the lady who answered that the chap I needed to speak to was dealing with someone else and it was a bit late in the day anyway. I asked would it be possible for him to call me back after he finished and was told he wouldn't as it would be near closing time, he'd be going home and I'd have to simply call back another day.

Third - Thought I'd give one more try to get a quote to compare to others by email to avoid "bothering" them to much. Result - yet another failure to respond to a short email query.

Well, either their customer service sucks or they are so rich they don't need the custom. Well don't worry, never again.

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I concur with the other sentiments regarding th Widescreen Centre. I was in a similar situation last year where I sent them an email asking for information and advice regarding a paticular product.

Didn't hear anything, so I sent it again.

Still nothing, so I sent them a very strongly worded email asking them if they were actually interested in my custom or not.

Finally got something through, but by which time I had gone elsewhere. I agree that it would appear that they are doing very nicely and don't need my custom. Either very blase or short-sighted in this current economic climate.

They can afford a huge two page spread in Sky At Night magazine every month though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I placed an order for a William Optics 2” dielectric diagonal with the Wide Screen Centre at the beginning of June. I had already spoken to them and knew they were currently out of stock but was in no hurry for the item. A couple of weeks later I also placed an order for a Televue 10mm Delos EP but requested they hold dispatching the EP until the diagonal was available to save on P&P charges which was no problem. I emailed Simon last Friday afternoon asking for an update on the WO diagonal and he replied a couple of hours later stating he expected them in the next few days. A few days later the order was completed, my credit card charged and order dispatched by special delivery, arriving the next day. The shipment was very well packed which was appreciated.

Despite the delays (which I knew about), the transaction was a smooth one.

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  • 8 months later...

Having heard Widescreen Centre had some BGOs at a soecial price as Astrofest, which I missed out on due to my youngest getting the lurgie. I deceided to give them a call and see if there was any chance they still had some at the offer price of £59. Tyey said they would call me back and didnt. I put in a few calls none of which was returned but in the end spoke to somone who said yes they would do a pair at a special price as oer the show. I duly gave my card details and waited, and waited and waited. Nothing forthcoming so I called again to be told "they are on their way" nothing happened. Eventually I called again and was asked for the card details again as they hadnt in fact shipped. I handed over the card details again and waited. Zip, nada, nothing.

Another phone call......they are on the way........zip

another phone call........they are on the way......zip

another phone call....they should be there by now...well they arent...hmmmmm ok give it a few more days. i did give it a week. Zippo in the post so I call again and ask for the postal details having been told they were being sent recorded. i got told they coldnt check this bu would call me back.....needless to say they didnt.

Another phone call......ummm we need to check the book and will call back. No prizes for guessing that they didnt.

By now we are about five weeks from the initial call and at least three weeks since they claimed to have dispatched the goods. Fearing that another phone call by me would cause me to lose my temper ( which is pretty hard to do but once gone can become something alarming ) i had other half call up on my behalf. They got told over the course of about half an hour on the phone......

Can we call you back because we have a customer in the shop....no you cant was partners answer.

then they said the goods were not delivered and I should take it upnwith the post office. Partner told them no way...its your problem you sort it out and finally after much ado they agreed to credit the card back.

My opnion of widesscreen centre is their customer service is useless and they should stick to selling televisions or whetever else it they sell. I wont ever use them again. The amount of time and hassle over this has put me off ever using them again.

Thats my experience.........i havent dated this as I am weiting it after the event but that story is about as it happened to the best of my recollection.

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  • 6 months later...

I recently bought a Hyperstar for my C9.25 but unfortunately once i attached it to the secondary mirror holder i found that the secondary mirror holder was rotating in the scope. I was advised by Celestron to have the scope returned for service to replace the gaskets that hold it in place.

Being that it is the closest Astronomy related store to both work & home i rang the widescreen centre to see if they could quote me a price to have the scope serviced,   after several failed attempts to get through i finally spoke to a member of staff who said they would contact David Hinds for a quote but gave me a rough estimate (i appreciate its an estimate) and that i would get a phone call back, i was asked to send all my correspondence between myself and celestron regarding the nature of the issue which i did. 2 days went by no email of phone call, tried phone and email and got no response. Disappointed!!! Circumstances dictated that i put my repair off a month by i again contacted the Widescreen centre last week with the same inquiry and again told id get a phone call or email and again nothing. Phoned them back had a moan and was told that "i don't work for that department"  finally spoke to someone who was able to help and phoned DH and within 10mins i got a phone call back with a quote 4 times more then an estimate. This is the kind of customer service I Dislike. I have purchased items before from the widescreen centre in the past, the delivery was quick everything was packaged well, as a retailer i have no issues but there customer service and willingness to help leaves a lot to be desired.

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  • 6 months later...

A while ago I approached the Widescreen Centre with a brief that I felt would be best served by a Takahashi fluorite doublet refractor.  I was looking for an ultra portable scope for those times when my APM 105 refractor was too large to travel with.  The choice was either the Takahashi FS-60 CB or the Takahashi FC-76 DC, in the form of the FC-76 objective upgrade that screws into the FS-60 tube to create the 76.  I also wanted to use 2” eyepieces and the lack of focus travel in the FS-60 was an issue which needed to be addressed.  The Widescreen Centre went away to consider the issue and returned with a variety of package deals they felt would best serve my needs.  The first was the FS-60 plus a feathertouch focuser and extension tubes plus a unique way to attach the Tak 6x30 finder for which the feathertouch had no immediate way to connect.  The second was perhaps even more ingenious, they proposed using the TAK 76 objective upgrade plus another TAK tube and feathertouch to create a very portable 76mm scope (because it splits in two) with all the related required accessories.

I decided to select the TAK 60 package but elected to purchase the 76mm objective upgrade as well to give me the choice of whether 60mm or 76mm would be appropriate for any particular trip.  As well as a package price, the Widescreen threw in a hard case to store of the components as Takahashi do not provide cases.

Rather than just sell me a scope which may not have fulfilled my requirements, they thought about my specific goals and then came up with solutions to it.  Very pleased with the level of service throughout the transaction.

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  • 8 months later...

Just like to say a BIG Thank you to Simon and the Staff at the Widescreen Centre.

I Rattled an e mail off to the Widescreen Centre regarding stock, had a reply in a few minutes with all the requested EP's in stock , I then e mailed them regarding postage costs and waited a while - to be fair to them, on their website it asks you to phone for details.  I then sent the order in over the internet which places a "nominal" £5 delivery charge - I was a little unsure of this, so I phoned and asked if I could have Courier delivery to be on the safe side, Simon answered and said it would be advisable, so I asked if my order could be amended - Yes no problem, said the order would probably take a couple of days, but I think from the last phone call to delivery it was about 19 hours - so ahead of schedule - nice!!

The internet order was processed only AFTER the phone call just to make sure that I was happy and that I had given them confirmation to adjust delivery charges to be certain - so a great result all round, especially for not just taking the order, but for waiting on confirmation - a nice touch I think.

Thanks.    Paul.

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  • 3 years later...

Want to give a great big thumbs up for the Widescreen Centre, who have provided me with service above and beyond the call of duty.

I lost a small component from my finder which was not available as an off-the-shelf purchase. Simon at Widescreen chased it up from their suppliers and, despite problems with a shortage of stock at the manufacturers, continued to follow it up and after a couple of months successfully sourced the replacement.

Widescreen posted the part and, to cap it all, there was no charge. This despite all their time and effort.

It’s not the first time I’ve had good service from the Widescreen Centre but I think they went the extra mile here. Well done and thanks!

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  • 8 months later...

Superb service.

I phoned yesterday and asked after a william optics 90mm vixen saddle, checked stock and had one in. Then they measured the holes to ensure it would fit the intended skytee mount for me. I ordered it and it was delivered today.

Can't say better than that.


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Having bought a Baader steel track  focuser from the widescreen centre  I wanted a 2” M48 adapter  but at the time of purchase was out of stock as were all other Astro retailers, but once they had one in stock they emailed me to see if I still wanted one and had put one by for me , despite being a Sunday I replied and had a reply soon after and put in an order which was swiftly delivered , would recommend as for service can’t fault them , emails were quickly replied too , only fault I could say is delivery options for smaller items are expensive and an option for Po 1st class delivery would be helpful.

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  • 1 year later...

I just purchased and received a Celestron AVX mount from widescreen. Simon was very knowledgeable and helpful over the phone. Very prompt delivery as it has been in the past from them. I would recommend wide screen anytime.

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Ordered 2” Astronomik UHC and H-beta filters late evening on Monday. Email notification on Tuesday morning stating they had been dispatched and arrived Wednesday morning by DPD. Quick, simple and well packed with a handwritten thank you on the invoice.


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