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Is there an astronomy forum for grown-ups somewhere?


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Seriously, I think there are far better, more creative, and even artistic ways to express displeasure with any aspect of life which drives you to distraction. It is quite possible to express near homicidal thoughts about the weather/equipment failures/insert least favourite aspect of the current situation here, without resorting to foul language, and even bringing a smile to other posters' faces. As most of us will recognize these particular frustrations only too well, we will tend to sympathize more readily.

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Reminds me of what my 10yr old daughter said to me yesterday.

She told me that a girl in her class had called her gay. I said to her not to worry about it too much as I doubt she knows what the word really means. My daughter said that she knows what it means, I asked how she knew and she said that she knows because she watches Eastenders. I almost wet myself.

I suppose you had to be there.

Brilliant :)

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I'm not suggesting the forum change, nor 'threatening to leave', that is why I asked the question. I want to discuss certain things because I need to in order to learn and understand, and if I can offer something back that is great. I just have no idea how to operate in an environment that includes children, it is totally alien to me.


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Isn't one of the (sad) divisions of society now, chronological AGE? And, in a paradoxical way, I sense that moderated internet forums may provide perhaps one of the last (child SAFE even) possibilities of mutually enlightening interactions between the generations. :)

But I think it was sociologue Prof. Winston who lamented the now limited experience of kids who, while being "bussed" from one (peer dominated) "social engagement" to another, actually had FAR LESS contact and conversation with adults than ever before. Moreover their parents were frequently too tired, or [iMO] disinterested in a more... abstract world of "academic" hobbies and esp. science. :eek:

Looking back though, I do sense my own "era" allowed me a lot more freedom as a child, particularly to interact with unrelated adults. To some, I may owe a debt re. encouragement into (later) science? As I now grow old (only slightly!) disgracefully, I can sometimes find the "astronomical community" a TAD... staid. But perhaps I (we?) owe it to the latest generation to depart a little from stereotype! :D

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Unfortunately us oldies are not getting any younger. I have no idea of this craze of text speak.

At some point this generation of New Kids on the Block will be running the world, I think its down to us more experienced to help guide them on that path.

I think to find a forum like this where the young respect the more experienced stargazers and vice versa is a rare thing.

And yes a dog or cat is easier to handle than a child. But as of yet, my kids have not left a discreet poo in one of my shoes.

Kids can be a challenge, but having a role in making them understand the universe is surely worth the occational headache?

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you have hit the nail on the head there insomnia :) I think it is lovely that SGL can use the collective experience and wisdom of older astronomers to inspire and drive forward budding young enthusiasts. It is lovely to watch a young member, with their first scope, grow and become a serious observer. One of our members has recently signed up his 12 year old son because he has, on the advice of our members, bought his first scope. Imagine the joy he'll get out of that, as he grows up, at the hands of our community :eek: it is great.

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I'm not suggesting the forum change, nor 'threatening to leave', that is why I asked the question. I want to discuss certain things because I need to in order to learn and understand, and if I can offer something back that is great. I just have no idea how to operate in an environment that includes children, it is totally alien to me.


what things would you want to discuss on an astronomy forum that would not be ok for children?

how can you possibly have "no idea how to operate in an environment that includes children"? tip - think of anything you enjoy (except astronomy) and you're not allowed to mention it. or swear. :):eek:

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Kids are where astronomy is at. i suspect most of us started out on this road at some tender young age, and asked "adults" for help. We were all kids once...so it galls me when people say "oooh kids...humbug"...

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Actually, I personally see the "@*&$" as acceptable, you se it very often in comics, and I read it as a "frustration" emotion.

Transposing * or # for letters in obvious swear words is different thing, as you are a) obviously swearing and :) obviously bypassing the filters

I agree 100% on that point.

I think SGL has got it just right. This is a "family friendly" forum that uses the type of language that's used in my home, and I like it that way. I wouldn't want to see it degenerate into an "adult" forum. There are enough rubbish forums around if you want that sort of thing.


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Fine. Perhaps this should be written into the guidelines somewhere - no discussion beyond astronomy. I'm happy with that. That should ensure ill-informed banter about Lady GaGa and whether she is or isn't a hermaphrodite, a man, or whatever would be moderated correctly from the outset.

I guess Windows vs Linux, XP vs Vista vs 7 could still run, on the basis that it has some bearking on using astronomic software.


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Rather than misrepresent my position, I would appreciate it if you listened. I am not challenging how the forum operates, but asking if there is some other forum. I am not saying 'bah-humbug' - I am saying I have nothing to do with children normally, and am not sure I feel moved to become involved with them now. The language you use in your home may well be different from the language I use. I like watching films I am sure you would never allow your children anywhere near (although my partner tells me that films like SAW are extremely popular amongst young people at FE college). I wouldn't dream of imposing my moral values on people here - because many of my views are extremist (legalisation of all class A drugs, the death penalty for murderer and violent or abusive sex-crime). I use different language in my home, and I am not particularly 'family friendly'. So, given that this is a family-oriented forum, I was asking whether there is one that isn't family friendly - for people that don't fit into that type of environment, and who don't see any need to be in a family-environment.


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Being new - and a gobby git, didn't take me long to fall foul :D

Posted late in the evening - and tried to be as creative without using profanity but used language that would be alien to children and got a warning....

This was relating to scenes in Deliverance.

I appreciate that this was wrong bearing in mind the younger members that may use this site. I appologised for this directly to the mod that dealt with it - but recieved no reply :)

I do find that sites that interact behind the scenes is a far better way of controlling than enforcement without any human factor.

This is in no way a critism - but just to say if I am to get a slap on the wrist - and we all err on occasion, human interaction between reasonable people is a better way forward than automated responses or stand offishness. Said that I was in the wrong and took it on face value and let it slide over...

However I have seen posts and topics that are a concern as they do have legal ramifications - seen quite a few libel instances from members/owners and mods alike.....:eek:

They should be the ultimate no - no as it can quickly see a site removed.

I have found SGL very informative - and whilst things have been slack at work - been nice to spend quite a bit of time here recently..

SGL have a good product and must be a great source for kids doing homework/project studies...etc

I hope to strike the balance between adult banter - and remembering younger viewers - which I will find a bit difficult as swearing and topics relating to adults are probably not fit for childrens eyes.....but understand Mich and probably a few that have fallen foul and want to discuss adult themes...could there not be an adults lounge - where under 16's dont have access without proof of age?

This doesn't mean a free for all language as swearing and rudenes can often lead to bullying..etc But a place for adults to have a bit of banter and discuss topics within astronomy in an adult manner.


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Personally I find online forums and similar pretty ageless. I generally have no idea how old the people are I am talking to, they could be 8 or 80. I don't believe it matters either, I would address them in the same way.

When I went to school (which wasn't very long ago) we were encouraged to write in a very different way to how we speak. I remember teachers pointing out that "you might say that to your friend in the yard, but when you write it down - you word this way..." This obviously included swearing, slang etc etc.

Has this idea been destroyed by text messages? Am I the only person left that tries to use correct grammar and punctuation in text messages?

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Fine. Perhaps this should be written into the guidelines somewhere - no discussion beyond astronomy. I'm happy with that. That should ensure ill-informed banter about Lady GaGa and whether she is or isn't a hermaphrodite, a man, or whatever would be moderated correctly from the outset.

I guess Windows vs Linux, XP vs Vista vs 7 could still run, on the basis that it has some bearking on using astronomic software.


but the lounge is exactly for discussion that isn't about astronomy. And there's certainly no bar on "ill-informed" discussion (that would leave about 3 people not being barred :))

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Am I the only person left that tries to use correct grammar and punctuation in text messages?

Thank God another person who starts a text with a capital, adds full stops and writes the full words.

The only text speak I use and feel 'down with it' to use is 'lol'

A text might take me 10 mins to do but at least I use the Queen's English...Innit?:)

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