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I thought it as a real shop as I thought they moved a few months ago from one place to another.;):confused:

Checked the web site and there are no opening times:(. Which would be useful as I was intending to drop in one day from a couple of bits. Better wait and see if they are real:D or virtual:eek:.

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Thanks to all replies, I will try again on monday then but i is difficult with work comitments. I am looking into other suppliers but as FLO has been recomended i would rather do business with them.

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FLO doesn't have a showroom, currently we are online only. Our normal office hours are 10.30-4.30 Mon-Fri. We actually work significantly longer hours than that but if you are phoning then it is best to try between those times. The phone can be very busy at this time of year so if you are having difficulty getting through please PM James or I your tel number so we can phone you.

Apologies to those who have had to leave ansafone messages, we have been through a difficult period with a flu-like illness but are back to our usual selves now ;)

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All I can recall is the postings saying that they were moving when people seemed to be having trouble contacting them, the assumption being that it was FLO.

Just as well I forgot to take their address when I drove past Exeter Thursday. And next time I am down there in December I now know not to dig it out.;):(:(

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Capricorn, FLO was setup only three years ago, around the time the recession began. A showroom wasn't an option. When the 'green shoots' of recovery are firmly established we'll look very seriously at opening a showroom. Meanwhile we will continue to offer reduced prices and forum sponsorship.


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:icon_eek: Good news :) Two very large boxes have arrived today and unless they are two large empty boxes then they contain my new Skywatcher 150P from FLO.

May i say a big thanks to Steve at FLO and is great advice and help.I hope he realises i will be a pain in his butt now asking advice lol.

The big question is do i dare to open the boxes.I have to say i am a bit nervous.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Steve, Not a problem, just I was thinking of something, and I headed down to Truro, passing round Exeter, M5+A30.

I had intended to take what I thought was the shop address and drop in. However the memory cells are awful and I forgot. Even managed to forget that I had forgot until I arrived back. Basically drove down, visited Truro, saw friends, drove back and thoughts of eyepieces never entered the cavity where the brain should reside.:):D:D

Then this post appeared and I had simply had the impression that you had a small shop and had moved about 5-6 months back. Found out from this that I was wrong. So probably just as well I managed to forget as standing outside a house, or accountants office, would have totally confused me, and it doesn't take much.;):):)

I now know for the next wander down, in about 5 weeks. Don't go to Heavitree, don't get confused.:icon_eek::icon_scratch:

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:) Well you would never believe it. It is my new telescope and it is a mean looking thing. I have to thank my good lady for it as it is a birthday present. All i have to do now is put it together. :icon_eek::confused:

One slight problem is the moon which is quite present at the moment but i`m sure by the time i have assembled it and set it up (well tried to) the moon will be away again.

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Nice scope I'm sure you'll get some great views with a bit of practise. I would be thinking about starting on the Moon though, and not waiting for it to set. I'm not sure if you've had a scope or EQ mount before, if not it's a great object to start on. Mainly because it's BIG and easy to find with the scope. You can experiment with your 2 EP's and barlow and get some practice adjusting the focus.

I've read a few posts now with beginners having disappointing first night. Either not being able to find much or thinking the EP's need upgrading straight away because they cant focus on objects - when it tends to be just time at the EP and practise with the focuser (and maybe better 'seeing' conditions) thats needed.

Ok this maybe your second scope and you know what your doing in which case just ignore the above. I still think it's worth posting though because we've all been there (me not that long ago)!! :icon_eek:

EDIT - Ok I just read your first thread in the archive, OOPS you've lots of experience still it is a good point for beginners!! :)


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I only use two suppliers and dont be put off that you cant get though on the dog and bone to FLO, they are quick and REALLY efficient at delivering your items (as you now know), the other which I must mention is GreenWitch, both are spot on and Steve is alway on hand here to answer your question (sometime too quick). :icon_eek: Also remember that by not having a showroom cost are kept to a min.

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thanks stev74, i can honestly say that even with already having a scope i am always open to advice,weather be something i already know or something i don`t. I would also say the later is the most common. This is my first time with a Newtonian and i have never even looked through one let alone build one and work one so i will take all advice given. My moto is Never turn advice down because one day some one will not give it.

Thank you to all who have replied on this thread but a special thanks again to FLO. :icon_eek::hello2:

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I have used FLO, and they're always my first choice when investigating new kit. The service is always first class. However, as you say they are an internet only supplier. In some cases it is nice to see the kit you are interested in, or just look around at other stuff. To this end I created a google map showing the astronomy shops you can visit to see kit. Take a look at the link in my signature for your nearest shop.

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FLO is a great place to get your goods, With Steve and James being on here and keeping active amongst the customers them even better to buy from. I just ordered a 300p but had a call from Steve to let me know that it would take about 2-3 weeks to get it because its gotta come from sky watcher. He also offered me a same day refund, but i said I'd wait it out. FLO's customer service are second to non of any online retailer I've dealt with.

Highly recommended, In today'sodern age, a little hands on with your customers go's a long long way.

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