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Whats everyones fav Constellation


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I'm going for 2 here, Orion, along with the majority of posters here, because it's what I first was able to recognise all them years ago. Secondly I'm going for Cassiopeia which has been keeping me busy lately. There's just so much going on in there, double stars, open clusters and god knows what else 8)

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although Orion is a beautiful sight my vote would have to go to Taurus, one of the first constellations i ever got to know.. it is also my birth sign, Aldebaran looks fantastic, also you have got to admire the Pleiades cluster, Orion would defiantly get second spot though.. :)

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It's the constellation mum always pointed out to me when i was small, never really knew Orion until i got into the hobby. So fond memories there.

Ursa Major is also a 'Galaxy hunters' delight....so i love it to bits. Superb place to point the camera too. It contains my fav object(s)......M81/M82. And my fav object to image....M51. There's also M101, M97 and M108 to name a few. Plus the most famous double (double) star. Oh and it's visible all year round. The ultimate constellation!

Secondly I'm going for Cassiopeia

this would get my second vote. M31 was what drew my attention in the early years other than the planets. I'm just mad on galaxies. It started from outset. Once i got the planets out of my system, just wanted to track down galaxies. M31, M33, M81 and M82 were my fav objects.

Orion is great but other than M42 what else can you do there visually?


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Divide your focal length by 70. The result is the length in mm of the eyepiece that will give you 70x. For example, my scope has a focal length of 750mm, so a power of 70 is given by an ep of 750/70 = 10.7mm. Anything shorter than that is giving you more than 70x. I had a very nice view of the ring at 94x on Sunday night, using my 8mm ep.

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It's the constellation mum always pointed out to me when i was small, never really knew Orion until i got into the hobby. So fond memories there.

Orion is great but other than M42 what else can you do there visually?


Ursa Major is everything you say it is, but I have spent more time looking at M42 under all kinds of weather than I have at everything in Ursa Major. My mum pointed out Betelgeuse to me early on, so I guess that's my fixation. There's also the Running Man, M78, and a couple of nice doubles and a quad.

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Orion for me too ever since I was in the northumberland hills one frosty night and it seemed to fill the sky, I felt like I could reach out and touch it. As for this

just a pity they named a duff car after it
I took the engine out of my 1.4 Ghia and put a XR2 engine in with a big Webber on it.......amazing :rolleyes:
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