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Ha M27 pushed


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Hi all.

Clear skies last night and a chance to start a new project, M27.

11 @ 600 sec's in Ha through my 10" newt and HX916.

I plan to get some more Ha then some OIII, L and RGB for this shot but in the meantime I decided to push the Ha data as far as possible to see how much of the outer shell I could see.

Defiantly need more Ha data to be able to keep the faint detail without the noise taking over but I think it will be worth the effort.

I also used some old L-Ha/R-G-B data to throw some colour at it to help show up the Ha shell beyond the main body of M27.




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Looks like it's going to work Mike. Good look grabbing that faint data. I guess you might need to combine 2 Ha channels to get the balance right in the main part of the neb. Interesting to see how it works out but you are certainly the man for the job.

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Thanks guys for the comments and encouragement.:)

The bars working for ya then i see?


Yes Alan, I was shocked just how bad the flecture was in my setup with the standatd skywatcher bar, there is still some flecture but nowhere near as much as before ( 5 min's at 1200mm fl was the max I could go before image creep showed in the subs) and not at the interface between the mount and scopes anymore. I think the way forward is side by side mounting rather than piggybacking, so I am in the process of blagging some 1 3/4" aluminium square bar to give it a go.

I guess you might need to combine 2 Ha channels to get the balance right in the main part of the neb.

Hi martin, the shot posted is already a two layer blend as I pushed the background so hard M27 was starting to white out, another reason for loads more Ha data for this.


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