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SLG4 - thanks


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Thanks to the all those who helped organise such a wonderful event, to the chilli chefs (very tasty), to those who baked such lovely cakes and to everyone else who made this a very special weekend. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming.

Extra special thanks to Rob for the photoshop tutorial, to Ed for letting us look though his gorgeous 12" Newtonian and to all those in C6 alley - I will definitely be getting some Baader Hyperion eyepieces.

Special thanks to Nelson (the star of SGL 4) for his night time antics with the red flashing light.

Roll on Kelling Heath and SGL5.

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Thanks to everyone, organizers and participants! It was a fantastic weekend. I haven't met so many great people in the 6 years I've been in England.

Had a great time socializing with Lavey, Phil, Stefski and Astronut Friday night; but Saturday night was a real thrill. So many telescopes. Thanks to Astronut for the wonderful view of Saturn, Astrosurf for M13 in all it's glory (and her overall helpful cheeriness), and Lavey and Stefski for showing me how their hi-tech stuff worked. A special thanks to MikeP for helping me tote the scope down to the field and for the power to run it. Also thanks to Nuttystar and Phil. Their enthusiasm was inspiring and helped me stay out observing a little longer, even though my toes were freezing.

Just three photos

Another shot of Canis Minor with his cool neckerchief

A photo of Astronut. As I was taking this photo I heard a voice behind me say 'I love watching guys taking photos of other guys' and turned around to find...

...a bunch of vocal, local, yokels




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A big thankyou to Daz and all the Admins/Mods and members that helped to organise a very memorable weekend. It was great to meet old friends again and also to meet a lot of new faces. Thanks also to Rob and Amanda for bringing the Meade 14" and Nelson for being so entertaining. Also thanks to Rob and Tim for the image processing tips.

The whole event was about sharing and everyone was more than willing to do so whether that be a view through a telescope or something simple like lending a spoon. Thanks to Richie Jarvis for the network cable and TJ for the company and cups of tea.

I loved the area so much I am thinking of moving that way as the skies were fantastic yet not that far from my family.

And finally a great choice for POW Tim which grabbed the essence of SGL with MikeP showing a new member the ropes. You couldn't find a more affable bloke anywhere.



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Where to start on the thanks :) OK, start at the beginning!

Thanks to the tent-erecting support team, those who added height when we needed it and encouragement (well, MikeP isn't much bigger than Jean and I are!) and particualarly to Greg for burrowing into the zipped-up interior of the tent to provide vertical lift! VERY funny :), but very effective - thanks guys :)

Thanks to Greg, Ian, Rog, MikeP, Steve etc for spotting us about to leave the campsite to find something to eat and offering us tea! (when there are six blokes surrounding your car, and Greg's food is on offer, the decision is a no-brainer!!). The Fajitas were great and what is it about eating together that builds community??

So a BIG BIG thanks to Greg and the chef support team for all of their efforts over the weekend. It really did make a huge difference :(

Thanks to Lulu for the CD (and the flapjacks!) - great to meet you at last, and your enthusiasm is infectious!

Saturday was a learning day for me. I'm really grateful for the time that Dave and Rob spent with me running through the capture, guiding and debayering settings in Astroart and then the black art of processing with photoshop. I now have a much better understanding and am really looking forward to improving my images - so watch this space :D.

The discussion on photoshop again illustrated the beauty of SGL. It started as a session for myself and Barry, but word got around and so the tea tent filled up. As Rob was talking through things people were chipping in with additional hints and tips (so Rob learnt things too) as well as 'ooh, that'll make life easier!'. We talked about getting a few imaging workshops together where we could do more of this.

Then the high spot of the weekend, Saturday night. WOW!! What got us was the way that as it became apparent that it would be at least partially clear the atmosphere changed. I think Tony described it as spine-tingling. Suddenly instead of groups of people there were individuals preparing their kit all round the site. You could feel the anticipation :) And what a night!

It was great to see Peter (Billy) and Kev again (and its nice to now know what you both look like - it was so dark last time!!). So glad you could both make it and I really enjoyed showing you around Kev! Thanks for making my night by saying 'Thanks for showing me my first galaxy!' and for your general enthusiasm and determination.

Thanks to John for checking and tweaking the collimation on the Lightbridge, it was reassuring to know I was pretty close. And then thanks for showing us around the sky - Jean in particular loved having you as her own personal goto system :D you've really spurred her on to bagging all the Messiers! (and your term that you are a space tourist resonated with her too!).

Thanks to Kevin for helping Mike set up the astrotrac. I'll be testing some of Rob's tecniques in processing the output. Mike really enjoyed himself - in fact for the first time ever it was me that was ready to pack up first!

It was great to see views through other scopes. The ones which will stick in my mind for a very long time are: Saturn through Ian's large Dob, the Blackeye galaxy through Rob's monster (I never knew you could see so much detail in the galaxy without photgraphing it :(), and James for finding M13 in the tracking dob - awesome detail. Thanks guys :)

To all those who attended, thanks for making such a great atmosphere. It was great to share the weekend with you. And Jean and Mike thoroughly enjoyed themselves too!

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to Daz and Greg and Mark etc for the organisation. You can be really proud of yoursleves:headbang:

Daz, we really missed you (and Minidaz and Tracy). Next time.....



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Thank you to everyone invovled, from organising, to giving advice, to sharing your scopes and knowledge, to a whale of a story that might just be true, to C6 alley, to being nice and friendly. I had much more fun than I could have hoped for!

Thank you!


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Thanks to all, particularly the organisers who did a great job, also to the attendees who were only too pleased to help other observers and the visitors, who wandered over to see what it was all about. They were treated to some excellent astronomy lessons as well as some super views. It was nice to be able to look through some of the big scopes and other luxuries such as a Teleview Ethos eyepiece. Pity practically everyone left on Sunday because that evening we had a super view of the one day old Moon and Mercury - my photo was Rubbish however.

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Hi everyone,

it was really nice to meet you all at the weekend. I didn't know what to expect & I wasn't disappointed. Thanks for the company & chilli!! just what we needed. Saturday was a great night..although, I think I must have looked a little odd lying on my deckchair @ midnight but what the hell, I enjoyed myself!

Look forward to meeting you all again in Salisbury.


Claire - aka Mrs Drummerp


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(apart from the tent next door snoring....You know who you are )

I wasn't snoring, I was warning boats in the Irish sea about the rocks nearby....

Didn't you bring ear-plugs?? I find they are a must for late-morning lie-ins in a tent :)

Still yet to upload those embarrassing photos......


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Didn't you bring ear-plugs?? I find they are a must for late-morning lie-ins in a tent :)


I didn't think snoring could be so loud in an open feild......

I thought it was that gang of ducks up to no good.


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Astrosurf - you're a darling!



So are you me luv!

This was my first star party and I had just the best time ever!! I'm so glad I was christened by SGL itself. You're all a great bunch and the seeing was a revelation to me!

Thanks to all the organisers and the chefs! Wot a brill job. Can't wait for Salisbury!!


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I wasn't snoring, I was warning boats in the Irish sea about the rocks nearby....

Didn't you bring ear-plugs?? I find they are a must for late-morning lie-ins in a tent :icon_rolleyes:


Me too! They're marvelous. Cut in half for me dainty little ears! ;)

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