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Almost ready to quit...

Mr Spock

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One of the things I love about astronomy is that once armed with the right equipment, the hobby can be enjoyed for zero cost. Yes I know the many of us keep spending to find that perfect setup, but equally many folk get a nice refractor or dob (or two!) and some decent eyepieces and have all they need for years. It’s also nice to know that when your equipment can’t be used due to a bout of poor weather or whatever, it isn’t costing you MOT (ministry of telescopes), sky tax, insurance (usually) or annual servicing. 🙂

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The poor weather, combined with my work shifts means my new scope hasn't been out much at all so I guess it is what it is.   That time and weather equation is why I'm a mostly visual observer and why I wouldn't shell out for a dedicated astrophotography setup.   Despite all those challenges, I'm still looking to get 2 or 3 more eyepieces....

 It's also been a challenging year down the allotment - things not germinating and growing earlier in the year, seeing most of the indoor and outdoor crop being wiped out to blight has been two annoying things, so it's not just limited to astronomising.  


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It was, once again, cloud cloud cloud last night, but there were some small breaks in the cloud so, nothing on the telly and not sleepy I sat in the chair and gazed up, and within 10 minutes saw one of the Perseides meteors streaking through a gap in the clouds.  Restored my enthusiasm a bit.

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I bought my 'scope at the beginning of this year, and it clouded over as I was opening the box and there hasn't really been a decent clear sky since. So althought I've had it for 8 or 9 months I still haven't really had an opportunity to work out how to use it yet..

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Apart from the solar which hasn't been to bad, averaging 10 days a month I love fettling my gear. So when it's cloudy and sometimes with rain I'm either processing my images or developing something or fettling something for the observatories or telescopes.

Telescope hub, electronic focuser's for both telescope's, electrical sockets in the dome, etc, etc. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

There are some proper weather wimps here.

The late Sir Patrick would be turning in his grave if he could here some of you.

I lost count of the times we heard him tell us of some astronomical event when he declared "We were clouded out here at Selsey."  It didn't stop him carrying on.


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26 minutes ago, Merkhet said:

There are some proper weather wimps here.

The late Sir Patrick would be turning in his grave if he could here some of you.

I lost count of the times we heard him tell us of some astronomical event when he declared "We were clouded out here at Selsey."  It didn't stop him carrying on.


I've been watching some of the old Sky at Night and Patrick seemed to be a cloud magnet for a lot of major events in the Northern Hemisphere.

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13 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

I've been watching some of the old Sky at Night and Patrick seemed to be a cloud magnet for a lot of major events in the Northern Hemisphere.

There were rumors that the Met Office were considering adding Patrik's back garden to the shipping forecast list:

Rockall, Malin, Hebrides. Southwest gale 8 to storm 10, veering west, severe gale 9 to violent storm. .

Selsey , Clouded Out 


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I remember the Sky at Night program where Patrick was trying to observe with a guest and they were clouded out. The chap kept saying "We're totally obscured, Patrick."

This amused me so much that when I had lugged out my gear only for it to cloud over I would go inside and say to my wife "We're totally obscured, Patrick." (Even though her name isn't Patrick.

I do sympathise with Mr Spock, though. It's the filthy state of an orange grey sky and the noise from the motorway that discourage me from going out the most.

I did enjoy seeing Venus approaching half phase earlier in the year though and will be observing Saturn and Jupiter soon when they are better placed for me.





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We just have to hang on in and hope that the clouds will eventually part for a few nights. 

As I said earlier, I am enjoying what I have at Kirkster501 towers and not spending any more major money on astronomy.  Maybe a couple of lenses that I can also use for terrestrial.

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When I was young and single I was into Drag Racing. On a good weekend if we went deep into eliminations we could get 6 or 7 runs in, so about 70 seconds of racing, if it rained then nobody turned a wheel all weekend.

Must be something in my genes when it comes to picking hobbies.☺️

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So down here, our forecast for the next week is a mini heatwave, up to 27 degrees during the day all week until next Saturday along with clear skies every night…according to bbc weather.

If that forecast is right, then how typical is it that it falls right in the waning full Moon period! Down to 37% brightness come Friday. For imaging, guess it’ll be a lot of Ha and star clusters…

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When planets are close to the moon, from a visual perspective, some of the best planetary views can be had 👍

As we all know, the universe does not exist for our convenience. We need to be canny and adaptable enough to make the best of the opportunities that we do get 🙂


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