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Your image of the year


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This was my best image of 2022, before I got the mono set up, this was with my QHY268c with L-Extreme filter, approx 5 hours of data, through a Tak FSQ85 on an EQ8 mount.

Was quite happy with it at the time, but then saw the corner stars were not great and had to sort out some tilt on the sensor….

The Heart and Fish Head nebula


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I’m almost a bit reluctant to post such a familiar target. I took it back in January with my new ASI2600 OSC camera. I didn’t bother to pre-process the data at the time because I’d gone for some more interesting and challenging targets.  Then when I did in October I realised just how good the data was. I should probably have another go  at post processing this image, but even as it is I reckon it’s my best yet. 


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I think this image of the Iris Nebula for me, as it was the first time I have managed to get some kind of handle on mono imaging and mono processing in PixInsight.  I also like it because it is the culmination of so much kind and valuable advice received from SGL members over this year on getting going with my QHY268M and gaining experience with processing in PixInsight.  In that context, this image is really one taken 'standing on the shoulders of giants'.



Edited by AMcD
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3 hours ago, Craney said:

Not been a great year in terms of progression but have still enjoyed the turning of the heavens and photographing less visited areas of the sky.

I have found it hard to invest the required time and tweak the inevitable 'issues' but hey-ho, othr things to do.

I would not have included a post here ... but ..... went to Iceland over New Year and got this... on December 30th.



-22'C ( that's colder than the temperature I set on my Atik 414 !!!! )  and a breeze.   Respect to those who venture out into the high latitudes to do astro-photography. 

Anyway, looking forward to 2023 .... Happy New Year everyone.      ( now where's that comet ??)



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42 minutes ago, Mandy D said:

It's unpretentious and there is no doubt about what it is. I like it. It's better than my attempts on Mars, so far.

Believe it or not, that was imaged with a second hand SW Evostar 120 achromat, on a EQ5 Pro mount with a Raspberry Pi running Astroberry OS, a ZWO ASI224MC camera fitted with 2x BST Barlow and FireCapture software.

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On 01/01/2023 at 16:09, geoflewis said:

The lunar occultation of Mars is the one for me. I'd been waiting 2 years for this one, then a few days before the event I caught my 2nd bout of Covid of 2022. Out in the freezing cold before 5am in the morning, feeling crap with clouds ruining the view, I wondered why I bothered, but then there was gap for about 5 minutes which allowed me to grab this, despite very little time to focus, hence the somewhat fuzzy result...


I’ve just noted that a complimentary post I made about the above standout image seems to be getting an inordinate amount of likes. This is due I suspect to the hash I made of including the original post which could make it look as if I captured the image. Sorry for any confusion caused, I just want to make it clear @geoflewis is responsible for this remarkable image, not me!

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3 minutes ago, tomato said:

I’ve just noted that a complimentary post I made about the above standout image seems to be getting an inordinate amount of likes. This is due I suspect to the hash I made of including the original post which could make it look as if I captured the image. Sorry for any confusion caused, I just want to make it clear @geoflewis is responsible for this remarkable image, not me!

Ha Ha, it's okay you will get a load more now for this apology 🙂 

I think we know you well enough to forgive you, just this once.


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5 minutes ago, tomato said:

I’ve just noted that a complimentary post I made about the above standout image seems to be getting an inordinate amount of likes. This is due I suspect to the hash I made of including the original post which could make it look as if I captured the image. Sorry for any confusion caused, I just want to make it clear @geoflewis is responsible for this remarkable image, not me!

haha I hadn't noticed the mixup, but thank you for your honesty nonetheless! ( I am guessing you will get many many more likes/reactions now you have made a note of it!? LOL )

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2 hours ago, tomato said:

I’ve just noted that a complimentary post I made about the above standout image seems to be getting an inordinate amount of likes. This is due I suspect to the hash I made of including the original post which could make it look as if I captured the image. Sorry for any confusion caused, I just want to make it clear @geoflewis is responsible for this remarkable image, not me!

Thanks @tomato, but I suspect that many of the 'likes' on your post are for your reference to the image's likeness to the iconic Apollo 8 'Earthrise' photo - a comparison that hadn't even occured to me...:wink2:. Here's an earlier one that's even more similar I think...


Edited by geoflewis
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