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Brand: Bewinner = svbony ?

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....and you'll probably find it with another ten names. Svbony and presumably Bewinner just market series of EPs etc made by a few Chinese optics companies. That's why you'll often get people just calling them 'redlines', 'goldlines', etc.

Edited by cajen2
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3 hours ago, cajen2 said:

....and you'll probably find it with another ten names. Svbony and presumably Bewinner just market series of EPs etc made by a few Chinese optics companies. That's why you'll often get people just calling them 'redlines', 'goldlines', etc.

I see, even if they could be manufactured at different sites, is there any indication that the build quality of them would be different?

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I doubt it, though you never can tell with Chinese products. Most of the time, they're the same EP, often with no brand name on them at all. Sometimes the manufacturer has an exclusive contract to make a batch for one brand but is free to sell them to all and sundry afterwards. Then you get the copycat products....

Edited by cajen2
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