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Heat Damage To Equipment

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I was wondering if anyone has suffered any heat damage, or odd equipment operation, whether temporary or permanent, in the exceptional July and August?
We don't all have an air conditioned room available for our scope kit🤣

If anyone has seen anything that is probably heat related, it would be a good early warning for the rest of us.
Particularly if our scope collection is too big for the fridge🤔 I can get the eyepieces in though🥶

On a serious note. A hot powertank should not be charged. Particularly a lithium model.
Any 3D printed parts like finder brackets may distort. The same could go for original plastic parts.
Has anyone seen any O rings pop out to allow a lens to move?
I once had specs lens coating fragment after being left in a black case on a car dashboard.
I wouldn't be at all surpised to hear reports of 'dark side' mounts misbehaving when left on a sunny patio.
Though I would expect a Solarquest or similar to behave correctly.
Anyone had grease oozing out of binocular parts? Or mounts?

Looking forward to hearing comments, David.


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I've left my kit out this week since I loathe setting up and packing away and my garden is relatively secure, plus this week has had like 5 astro-capable nights.

It has been absolutely ROASTING in the sun. But it still seems to be working fine right now. Laptop and all. I'm half surprised the laptop battery hasn't exploded.

I also left the camera cooler on over night. It was trying to achieve -5c while it was 32c outside in direct sunlight!

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I'd not leave batteries or electronics where they'll get heated up if it can be helped but the scopes and mounts are in the conservatory that does get pretty warm, as in >40C and they've been fine over the past couple years. Binos and camera lenses, ideally not cook them and it helps to stand or lay them on their side depending on where grease may seep from onto optics/iris blades. Mine are all in the living room which hasn't got above 28c so far.

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My kit is permanently left out under a Telegizmos cover. It does get pretty warm under there but no issues to report. The Pegasus Power Box reports above 35°C under there on hot days but I haven't seen 40°C. My shed, for example, when the sun beats down on it after lunchtime, regularly gets above 40°C with the doors shut. My mini PC is in there switched on 24/7 and that's fine. What we consider hot weather, (though the media trend this year is to describe it as extreme...) is normal for other parts of the world and they get on just fine.

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A few weeks ago I left my setup in the shed which has a window, when I returned to it in the morning the telescope had shifted within its mounting rings due to thermal expansion, so I wouldn't recommend leaving it in the heat, especially uncovered.

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Mid thirties C are an annual occurrence here in SE France, with this year seeing the occasional 40. Observatory internal temperatures are a good bit higher than that. The only items to suffer have been a couple of the UPS units which back up all the robotic scopes. These benefit from having a small fan running next to them.  Three oil-spaced TEC140s have been fine along with all other parts of seven imaging rigs.


Edited by ollypenrice
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Just gone and checked out mine, 34oC in the observatory! The equipment all feels fine but I've opened the windows to circulate air should it get hotter. What a fantastic summer this is. I'm back to work on Monday so enjoying every last moment:) 


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I have been creating a bit of a partially see through enclosure for the pier and mount so I have been keeping a close eye on temperatures so quite a pertinent topic. Just checked and ambient is currently 34'c and the mount is 36'c. The enclosure has plenty of natural ventilation but the temperature is not helped as there is not a breath of air movement. It seems to be keeping a steady 2'c above ambient. Mount worked fine last night so it's had a fair few warm ones so far as it's been surviving like this for about 4 weeks.

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I noticed a few days ago that the paint on my ZWO ASI1600MM Pro had faded from red to a dusky pink in the unusually hot sun.  That told me that it was time to keep it cooler during the day.  Also, the OTA was absolutely scorching to the touch which can't be a good thing.

Solution:  I bought a Telegizmos cover and all the bits stay relatively cool even with 34 degrees plus out there.

Edited by andymw
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/08/2022 at 10:13, david_taurus83 said:

My kit is permanently left out under a Telegizmos cover. It does get pretty warm under there but no issues to report. The Pegasus Power Box reports above 35°C under there on hot days but I haven't seen 40°C. My shed, for example, when the sun beats down on it after lunchtime, regularly gets above 40°C with the doors shut. My mini PC is in there switched on 24/7 and that's fine. What we consider hot weather, (though the media trend this year is to describe it as extreme...) is normal for other parts of the world and they get on just fine.

Any chance, is the Telegizmos waterproof as well? I want to leave my new Dob outside, but I live in Scotland. :D

So it needs to be Scottish-rain proof...

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My attic here in Texas regularly hits over 130° F in the summer.  In my experience, certain thermoplastics shrink (like those clear, custom fitting display packages) and some glue types dry out and crumble (like hardback book bindings) up there.  My A/C-Furnace electronics seem unfazed, though.  However, they were designed for those conditions.  Foam, rubber parts, and urethane finishes seem unfazed as well.  As long as it's a dry heat (the usual case here), I haven't noticed any other problems with things stored up there.  It's well ventilated, so there's no mustiness.

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22 hours ago, SzabiB said:

Any chance, is the Telegizmos waterproof as well? I want to leave my new Dob outside, but I live in Scotland. :D

So it needs to be Scottish-rain proof...

The Telegizmo 365 range of covers are designed for 365 days a year protection so yes, they are waterproof.

I have a modified 12" Dob cover over my pier and it is always dry when I uncover.

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