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Milky Way from Rural Australia

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Hi everyone I emigrated to Australia last week and currently driving a camper van from sydney to brisbane, found myself in a very dark part of rural nsw and holy jeez the milky way and sky are ansolutely mind blowing, firstly I don't recognise any constellations haha but I could see crux and alpha centauri.


I pointed my pixel 5 to the sky and took an astro photo, this is what it took and the naked eye image is in all honestly probably better, absolutely mind blowing skies. I think the second photo is the LMC? Visible to my eye as a huge dark cloud, thought it was an actual cloud at first!





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Absolutely stunning. I’ve been to Undara in QLD, it’s pretty much what I remembered. The trip was sullied though by having a massive Huntsman drop in our camper van at some point in road trip. 

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1 hour ago, IB20 said:

Absolutely stunning. I’ve been to Undara in QLD, it’s pretty much what I remembered. The trip was sullied though by having a massive Huntsman drop in our camper van at some point in road trip. 

Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a massive Huntsman? I’m assuming it is some kind of spider and not that bloke out of Wolf Creek?

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5 minutes ago, tomato said:

Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a massive Huntsman? I’m assuming it is some kind of spider and not that bloke out of Wolf Creek?

Yeah a big old spider, think I’d prefer the psychopath! At times it felt like Australia was just a lot of creatures that were trying to kill me.

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On 30/05/2022 at 14:39, maw lod qan said:

Am I understanding you correctly?

That's with your phone?

If it is, I'm going to find a secluded place, and cry!

I hear the Australian outback is quite secluded 🤣

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On 01/06/2022 at 08:49, IB20 said:

Yeah a big old spider, think I’d prefer the psychopath! At times it felt like Australia was just a lot of creatures that were trying to kill me.

I thought it was the wee redbacks that sometimes hide under toilet seats you have to really worry about...

Spider bites Australian man on penis again - BBC News


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7 minutes ago, DaveL59 said:

I thought it was the wee redbacks that sometimes hide under toilet seats you have to really worry about...

Spider bites Australian man on penis again - BBC News


Oh I found plenty of those knocking about too, usually in public toilets. I flushed a toilet once at one of the middle of nowhere truck stops and a load of frogs came out. It’s a completely bananas country for wildlife. You can’t even get in the sea without a cone shell, jellyfish or shark trying to kill you. 🤣

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6 minutes ago, IB20 said:

Oh I found plenty of those knocking about too, usually in public toilets. I flushed a toilet once at one of the middle of nowhere truck stops and a load of frogs came out. It’s a completely bananas country for wildlife. You can’t even get in the sea without a cone shell, jellyfish or shark trying to kill you. 🤣

sounds  idyllic to me 🙂 but then as a kid in Singapore you'd wander in the jungle and come face to web frequently and those brightly coloured spiders were the size of your hand. Used to return home covered in mosquito bites, bites on bites even but I guess I was so used to them that I never even noticed. Hence the 6-monthy shots we used to get tho I guess.


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  • 1 month later...

Australia is one country I'd love to visit. I'd love to get a look at the southern constellations. It would be a surreal experience, no doubt.

You have a great view there and you really teased out nice detail on the Milky Way. 

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Yep it is a beautiful country. What strikes me the most is that the Milky Way is still visible from where I am even though I'm only 30 mins drive from the center of Brisbane. You only have to drive 30 mins or so to get very dark skies, it's incredible.


Seeing Orion upside down is a bit odd, the sun moves from right to left lol and the moon is sometimes directly over head, it caught me all off guard.

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On 2/6/2022 at 14:45, IB20 said:

Oh, ne ho trovati anche molti di quelli che bussano, di solito nei bagni pubblici. Una volta ho tirato lo sciacquone in una delle fermate dei camion in mezzo al nulla ed è uscito un carico di rane. È un paese completamente banano per la fauna selvatica. Non puoi nemmeno entrare in mare senza un cono, una medusa o uno squalo che cercano di ucciderti.🤣

Surely Australia is the joy of naturalists with its very particular fauna and flora, to any person less than ....... About twenty years ago I followed some documentary on television where they talked about a specialist in capturing snakes that entered houses (snakes in Australia are a bit too poisonous ........); almost a year ago in my house I found a snake in the house and I killed it: I did wrong, it certainly ate the mice that entered my house (here in Sardinia we do not have poisonous snakes, I can say that it was a snake with safety!).
Surely for the night sky Australia must be fantastic, on seeing it one would say WOW !!! Too bad it's on the other side of the planet .........

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1 hour ago, Gonariu said:

Surely Australia is the joy of naturalists with its very particular fauna and flora, to any person less than ....... About twenty years ago I followed some documentary on television where they talked about a specialist in capturing snakes that entered houses (snakes in Australia are a bit too poisonous ........); almost a year ago in my house I found a snake in the house and I killed it: I did wrong, it certainly ate the mice that entered my house (here in Sardinia we do not have poisonous snakes, I can say that it was a snake with safety!).
Surely for the night sky Australia must be fantastic, on seeing it one would say WOW !!! Too bad it's on the other side of the planet .........

It certainly is a joy for lovers of nature. I remember last week I was in the glass house mountains, a rainforest and a beautiful beach all in one day. 

It can be quite strange driving or walking down the road in a normal urban area seeing bats hanging from the telephone pole then a cockatoo flying past then a big huntsman spider for good measure haha, sometimes feels like an open safari haha

Sardinia is beautiful too, I went to Cala Gonone a few years ago.

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