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Recommendations for a small eyepiece case

Mr Spock

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I'm sure others have no problems with pluck foam, but the pluck foam I originally had in my EP case came apart after about a year.  Granted, it's a cheap case (Apache), but you'd think the foam would last a bit longer.  I had some white packing sheet foam lying about - denser than pluck but not as dense as pink / green / blue extruded foam insulation, so I just layered that into the case and cut EP holes.  FWIW.


EP case.jpg

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Have you looked on here?
It was recommended previously by a couple of people. I've only bought inserts from them so far.

[EDIT]  I tell a lie, I did buy a case but I've not gotten around to doing anything with it yet.

It's one of these, and it's too large for your purposes, but they do others.  It's not particularly rugged - the same kind of plastic-covered-with-thin-aluminium construction that most of the cheaper ones use. That's fine for me, but some like to have something a bit stronger.

Edited by Zermelo
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2 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

I use a wooden art box for my eyepieces. There are two sizes, both of which can be ideal for classic eyepieces. I bought mine from Hobby Craft but they can be found on line too.




And that's a 'small' eyepiece case!?  My three eyepieces and two barlows would get lost in it 😅.

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19 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

I need a case to keep my ortho collection in. I have seven at the moment, obviously still looking for the elusive eighth.

Ideally it will have cubed foam. Suggestions welcome :smile:

I have found these to be very reasonable with a good selection of sizes.



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I use Apache hard cases with the pick and pull foam in them for my eyepieces.  They make different sizes, they are comparable to Pelican hard cases and decently priced.  Maybe Amazon carries them, but I get them through harbor freight here.



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2 hours ago, Stephen Waldee said:

For a while, for easiest use in my permanent backyard C-11 observatory building, I kept the eyepieces in a box inside, with the scope...until one hot day in Utah, USA summer, the rubber eye cup on a particular eyepiece 'melted'.  So I gave up on that and put them all in the four pluck-foam travel cases and store them inside in an air conditioned room!

I could see this being a problem in Texas as well.  We hit 112° F in 2011 and had a total of 90 days above 100° F that same year.  It was brutal.

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I mostly use a small toolbox from homebase for observing at home these days. I have a couple of fully populated large foam lined cases but I mostly only use one or two eyepieces in a session so I pick out what I am most likely going to use in a session and only that goes in the toolbox.

Here's a recent general purpose set for doubles and dsos, with big jumps in focal length to cover the bases but I only used the 22 and the 6 in the session.The filters in there are LP, UHC, and OIII.

Warning - if you like your eyepiece cases foam lined and neatly organised look away now!


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