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Secret Spitfire

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I had a ten hour session out and about last night, most of which was waiting for the clouds to blow over but I manged to complete this project at 3am this morning.

The Secret Spitfire Memorial.

Fuji XT2 with the Fuji 16-55mm f2.8 lens. About 1hour of 30 sec subs at f3.2, iso 800.

I had originally planned to try and get the rotation of star's around Polaris, infront of the propellers but the plane wasn't positioned well for this so pointed south west ish! 




Edited by Rustang
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Two things ... One, fantastic shot and I happen to like the star trail shape here.

Two, thanks for highlighting the " Secret Spitfire Memorial " Of course, no one told me 🤣

Very nice effort,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant photo of an iconic plane.

Many years ago Douglas Bader signed his “Fight for the skies” book for me. I still have it.

It’s a brilliant read and it’s quite awesome what he overcame to fly the fighter planes during WW2.

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