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Trying to get a colour image from ASI553MC Pro using Astroart.........

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Anyone on here use an ASI553MC Pro, and does there processing with astroart? I'm having an ongoing issue, when I open the fits file im getting all kinds of off-colours, I know its something to do with debayering, ive tryed every setting in Astroart (CCD colour synthesis and everything else I can think of!), any help would be great, as to what im doing wrong. I usually use the deep sky stacker software supplied with ASI but theres a lot more flexibility with astroart....

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I used to use AstroArt 4 with a colour camera. One of the menus has a setting to set the debayer pattern by matching the pattern next to it. You can only change a couple of things. You first set the Bayer pattern you think it is, ie rggb which is what my 533 is, then alter the options to make it match. It just puts an offset in both directions to fix how the matrix has been applied, I think. It used to work with my Atik 320e osc.

Of course if you've a later version of AstroArt it may have changed slightly. 

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Pixel orders from fits files can be read from many directions, and depending on which direction the frame is read the order can change. My camera is RGGB in most software that care about bayer matrix order but if i split the colour channels before debayering in some software it comes out as GRBG so both can be correct.

I dont have the same camera as yours but from what i can gather the pixel orders would be similar, so try setting it to RGGB and GRBG and see which is right?

Below is a fine artwork i made myself that maybe shows this better. If the pixels are read from top to bottom (and then change of row once all read) it comes out as RGGB, if from bottom to top it comes out as GRBG.


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