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Todmorden Pier.....Texas Style


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I just finished a Todmorden pier and it turned out very nicely.  I stacked 8x8x8 half blocks using mortar with the opening vertical then filled them with concrete and rebar and capped it with block turned on it's side to allow attaching adapter plates for my various mounts.  The base is a footing that goes down to the frost line which is about 15 inches  "in these parts".   It will be great not having to haul out tripods or piers to my SRO dark site.

The pier is in the frame for my 6 x 10 SkyBox and I plan to install another in my 8 x 12 SkyBox as well.

I would like to thank whoever it was who thought this up.






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One day, far into the future, archaeologists will study these strange monoliths. They will wonder what bizarre meaning these so-called, "Drew-stones" might have held for the people of that time. Since no written record exists from this strange period of human history, they can only guess. Perhaps these amazing constructions were simple gnomons for crude sundials? Still being erected, Millennia after the Dark Ages of Science Denial. Or, that they were even "borrowed technology" from an earlier, vastly more advanced period. Much like the Incas built their rubble walls over the exquisitely formed stonework of a forgotten people. So little is known of the Early 21st Century, before the Great Reset, that much of what can be learned from the scant evidence must remain pure conjecture. 

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27 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

Is this a "TP" record?, 6 external and 1 internal.       🙂


Dear Mr Drew,

Re: Drew-stones [installation art] application for planning permission in an area of outstanding pylons & [claimed] natural beauty:

We're not seeing the [previously agreed] perfect alignment with the nearest pylon on the summer solstice.   :icon_scratch:

Can we start again? .

I remain your most obsequious servant, Sir,

Etc. etc.

PS. Your lawn appears to have got away from you. Please attend to this ASAP.

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15 hours ago, Rusted said:

One day, far into the future, archaeologists will study these strange monoliths. They will wonder what bizarre meaning these so-called, "Drew-stones" might have held for the people of that time. Since no written record exists from this strange period of human history, they can only guess. Perhaps these amazing constructions were simple gnomons for crude sundials? Still being erected, Millennia after the Dark Ages of Science Denial. Or, that they were even "borrowed technology" from an earlier, vastly more advanced period. Much like the Incas built their rubble walls over the exquisitely formed stonework of a forgotten people. So little is known of the Early 21st Century, before the Great Reset, that much of what can be learned from the scant evidence must remain pure conjecture. 

I need to put up some other piers with astronomical alignments to complete my megalithic structure.  I sometime call it "Tarphenge" 8^P

Megalithic structure.JPG


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22 hours ago, CCD-Freak said:

I need to put up some other piers with astronomical alignments to complete my megalithic structure.  I sometime call it "Tarphenge" 8^P



I'm envious of your skyline there John, very respectable.  I see the metal frame is cemented in as well; is your intention to keep it as temporary construction?  I guess it wouldn't take too long to hang the shielding wrap around it.  Nice setup, and yes lovely skyline, enjoy :)


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59 minutes ago, saac said:

I'm envious of your skyline there John, very respectable.  I see the metal frame is cemented in as well; is your intention to keep it as temporary construction?  I guess it wouldn't take too long to hang the shielding wrap around it.  Nice setup, and yes lovely skyline, enjoy :)


We do have very good horizons in all directions.     The area is farm and ranch land so population density if very low so it is quite dark (low end of Bortle 2)  A friend and I searched 3 years to find it so I am very happy to have "my own small dark corner of the universe" were we are often serenaded by coyotes late at night.   (^8

Yes....It only takes a short time to install the tarps on the SkyBox frames and since the frames are anchored with concrete footings I don't have to worry about tie down ropes.  I will be building a permanent observatory soon and the SkyBoxes will then be used for temporary setups and guests.    The attached picture is one of my scopes inside a SkyBox.

After the observatory is in I plan to build a cabin or a "barndominium" but for now I use my Casita caravan aka the "Moonlight Manor" for lodging. 



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I even have a sign....."Moonlight Manor Bed and Breakfast" 

While at TSP I was asked how much to stay the night ???   I said $20,000 per night ...and...they would have to bunk with me.   So far NO takers.  8^P


Edited by CCD-Freak
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting my pier adapter plates ready to mount on the Todmorden pier.  I have one for an iOptron GEM-45  (left) CI-700 (center) and my AP900  (right). 

Now I need to make a new board that holds my hub and power distribution box so I will be ready for my next trip out to SRO.  

Pier adapters-1.JPG


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  • 2 months later...

I got around to taking some pictures of the Todmorden pier out at SRO.  I am very happy with it so all I need to do is paint it white with some acrylic masonry paint and it will be a "done deal".   I plan to build one in my other SkyBox frame in the near future. 

EAA scope-1.JPG

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6 hours ago, Swoop1 said:

Nice work John.

I quite like the cable management solution you have used also.

I am a bit of a "black sheep".....I don't like to put everything up top on the OTA like most people tend to do.  All the boxes and cables add to the wind loading and more chance of getting wet with dew.  It is much easier to cover the electronics on the pier or tripod when the dew is bad.   I use cable braid to make a nice supple cable bundle and attach each end to the tube and pier or tripod.  Then I check to make sure the scope can point in any direction without a cable snag.  If all checks out I can slew around all night without worry. 

Looks a lot less messy too.  (^8

SS15028HNT AP900-SRO-9.JPG

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  • 1 month later...

Great skies where you live. (Been there)
Much better than UK
I'd be dragging the Moonlight Manor and rig up to Big Bend. Freaking awesome skies there!
Rig looks good to me but why so high if your imaging?


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