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Since moving house I’ve been missing a few items of kit including my Celestron Powertank Pro and Vixen 3.4mm HR Planetary eyepiece.

I assumed they were in a packing box somewhere in the garage, so spent a good part of yesterday sorting through stuff seeing if I could find them. Now, don’t get me wrong, both Suzie and I had been planning on doing this anyway to sort through other stuff so it was time well spent, but I was a bit miffed when I realised we had gone through everything and I’d had no luck.

Then, I finally had a brainwave. We have two wooden chests which normally house DVDs and ‘stuff’, but one of them got used to pack up my kit in! In the chaos of moving in, it had been used to put the TV on and had I not realised would probably have sat unopened for months!

Imagine my delight when I opened it up to find all sorts of lost treasures, including the power tank, Vixen 3.4mm and various other useful bits and pieces. I’m looking forward to using the Vixen in the 130 LZOS on my next planetary session!

Anyone else put things in a ‘safe place’ only to lose them for months?

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13 minutes ago, Stu said:

Anyone else put things in a ‘safe place’ only to lose them for months?

Yes Stu, only sometimes it's years before I find things by which time I then find I am in possession of a pair of said items.


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I wish I had Stu.

Years ago when I moved from Belgium to Dubai I realised my album of 1986 Halley’s Comet stamps and first day covers had gone missing in transit. As months had passed, I couldn’t even claim on the removal insurance 😞

I still live in hope that, after a few more moves, they will reappear. But in reality they have probably been sold on a few times.

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Wohoo! Glad your goodies have turned up!

I've lost quite a few things down the years that I put in a safe place. Right now, I'd like to find all those limited edition 50p's my Auntie gave me down the years, that are all worth a small fortune now! Might be able to buy some astro gear if I can find 'em all! All I've found so far is 2p and a nice-looking button.

The biggest tragedy however, due to my poor memory, was losing a nice bar of marzipan chocolate I'd bought at the supermarket. "Where on earth did I put it?"

Then I remembered. "On top of the car roof while packing the rest of the stuff."

I didn't bother retracing my route to try and find it.

Edited by Luke
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I had lost/misplaced my passport for a couple of years (not that I needed it for travel) and only it found a couple of months ago when I finally organised my Astro corner of the dinning room with some new cupboards. 
How it got there is still a mystery, then again things do tend to go bump in the middle of the night there lol. 

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3 hours ago, Luke said:

Then I remembered. "On top of the car roof while packing the rest of the stuff."

Don’t talk to me about losing things off the top of car roofs….. 🤪

Two examples….

Whilst accelerating up to speed joining the M3 heading off on an Astro related camping trip, I glanced in my rear view mirror to see two blue crocs bouncing down the road behind me…. 😱😱🤪🤪🤣🤣

Even better, I put my roof box on the roof rack to get it out of the way, knowing that I still needed to attach it before leaving in the morning….

Two miles down the road the following morning, I went around a roundabout and watched my roof box skate gracefully across the road behind me… 😱😱 How I got that far without it falling off before I have no idea! Fortunately it was empty and undamaged but it was very hard to look nonchalant whilst picking it up from the middle of the roundabout, ignoring the stares from passing cars from people clearly thinking ‘you buffoon!’ 🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Don’t talk to me about losing things off the top of car roofs….. 🤪

Two examples….

Whilst accelerating up to speed joining the M3 heading off on an Astro related camping trip, I glanced in my rear view mirror to see two blue crocs bouncing down the road behind me…. 😱😱🤪🤪🤣🤣

Even better, I put my roof box on the roof rack to get it out of the way, knowing that I still needed to attach it before leaving in the morning….

Two miles down the road the following morning, I went around a roundabout and watched my roof box skate gracefully across the road behind me… 😱😱 How I got that far without it falling off before I have no idea! Fortunately it was empty and undamaged but it was very hard to look nonchalant whilst picking it up from the middle of the roundabout, ignoring the stares from passing cars from people clearly thinking ‘you buffoon!’ 🤣🤣

Could be worse, Stu


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I have a Kowa spotting scope, 88mm aperture and 510mm focal length, so quite nice for wide field viewing. Kowa do a special 1.25” adapter which allows astro eyepieces to be used. I have one of these adapters, and when I returned to Ireland a couple of months ago I wanted to use it but could I find it? Oh no.

After literally hours of searching, I eventually found it, still attached to one of my eyepieces where I’d last used it 🤦.

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