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SGL Image Challenge 2021 #7 Supernova remnants and planetary nebulae


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The theme for the #7 challenge is Supernovae Remnants and Planetary Nebulae!

Start Date: 1st September 2021
End Date: 30th November 2021

Here's one for the narrow band deep sky imagers.  From the well known targets such as the Veil to the faintest of fuzzies well off the beaten track.  Some are huge and some tiny, take your pick of focal lengths!

Prize: A personalised mug for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places featuring your image kindly provided by our sponsors FLO :) and a virtual trophy for your signature.

Please post your entries in this thread.  Please include details of your capture since this can be helpful to other members. Emojies are welcome but please don't comment on posted images.



All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed.
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.

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Ok, I'll kick things off with what I'm sure will be the first of many M27 images - this one is for only 40 minutes between clouds, with haze :) 

AA294C ProTec -0C gain 400 (unity gain)
Edge HD8 + Optolong CLS filter | EQ6R-PRO mount | Celestron OAG (ZWO ASI 178mm) | Capture APT + PHD2
4 x 10 minutes lights, 30 darks - no flats / dark flats
Focal length = 2070mm, uncropped.
Captured in APT, processed (incl. Photometric CC) in PixInsight 

siril PS.png

Edited by ArEnJee
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My latest attempt at IC6960 and associated nebulosity.

Taken over two nights, 1st & 7th September with the following kit:

Evostar 80ED DS Pro on a HEQ5, ASI294MC Pro fitted with L-eXtreme filter.

Subs - 80x120s @ -15°C + 78x180s @ -10°C

30x darks, flats & dark flats. Sacked in DSS & processed in PI.


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M27. My first image with a ZWO ASI224MC as an imaging camera. SW 200P on HEQ5, unguided.

200x15', gain 135. picked maybe 140 of them. 190x15' darks, 100 bias. 2021-09-20 I think.


Edited by MKR
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I've been struggling all summer with this Veil Nebula 2 panel mosaic - it's been beset with various problems including failed meridian flips, operator error (failing to turn on camera cooler), and a general dissatisfaction with the stars (star problems are obviously even more of a problem with a mosaic). In the end I've gone with the nebulosity from subs using the NBZ dual narrowband filter  (41 and 35 x 240s) and the stars captured without filter (40 x 2 x 10s).

Anyway, I've done all I'm going to do with it, and am reasonably pleased with the result. As it fits this challenge, I thought I'd enter it!

RASA 11 v2, CEM120 mount, ZWO ASI2400MC pro camera.

Veil 210906 stretch.jpg

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Here is my humble entry. The Bubble Nebula framed along with M52. 80 subs of 120sec, LSHO filters with ASI1600 mono. Williams Optics ZenithStar 61 mounted on my GEM45. Guided with 30mm scope and ASI120. Bottle 5 sky - but I had some dew issues. Processing workflow DSS for stacking,Siril for linear stretching, GIMP for the composition and color work. This was my attempt at a modified Hubble SHO palette. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my humble effort of the Veil from last night.  57 x 90 seconds using a 61 EDPH II  294MC Pro and L-Extreme filter ( bortle 8 skies )  stacked in DSS then processed in Siril and Gimp.



Edited by barkingsteve
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A second entry from me - bubble in NB.

115 mins oiii

115 mins sii

75 mins ha

Shot with asi1600, C9.25 and f6.3 reducer on an EQ6R-PRO from my garden in Ipswich.

I tried editing in various ways, but in the end settled on starnet and affinity photo. I wanted to get that 'gap in the clouds' view, and really pull out the Oiii - which was the hardest to get as this was mostly shot during periods when the moon was around. I love the fact that the bubble itself really does seem like it is  'lensing' the cloud behind it.

At the end of the day, it's seeing limited at this sort of focal length, so it is binned a bit.


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Not the best image of M27 but the skies (and wind) haven’t been kind these last few weeks. This image is just 10 x 3 minute subs processed in PS. Captured on a ASI533MCP using a WO GT71 and an L -eNhance.D8E42BFE-D5CD-4582-8DD4-75C507CCD953.jpeg.5999663e66118d9b04c4f9a914ad1234.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added this image to the Deep Sky section of the forum a few weeks ago asking for any constructive criticism and a couple forum members mentioned their could be more detail that I could pull out in post processing so today I revisited the data trying to keep as much of the faint Ha around the Veil as possible.

Taken using a Redcat 51 on a HEQ5 and ASI1600MM 

5.5 hrs of Ha

3.5 hrs of OIII

Processed as HOO using PI and PS



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Here is most of the Veil Nebula complex, captured with a RASA8/QHY268c/IDAS NBZ dual band filter., 20 x 3 min subs, 1 hr integration.

Calibrated and stacked in APP, RGB channels extracted, G&B combined. Then loaded into Startools 1.8, Red assigned to Ha, GB assigned to OIII. Data was binned 71% then taken through default ST workflow. Output from ST separated with Starnet in PI, then Curves Transformation applied. TIFF file loaded into Affinity Photo for further processing.


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Thought I'd add another, its a wide field of the Bubble Nebula (Caldwell 11) but of course their's a ton of other objects in there like the Lobster nebula, M52 open cluster just to the right of the bubble and even Nova V1405.

This is the first image that I've processed using only Pixinsight, I've been dragging my heels when its come to using PI as I'm already comfortable using Photoshop but I think this version is better than an earlier attempt when the bulk of the work was in PS. Its still not great and I have so much to learn with PI but I think I'II stick at it.

It was combined as a HOO but what really made this image shine for me was creating a Luminance mask using the Ha image, Deconvolution and MorphologialTransformation tools also really helped.


Edited by Mike73
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There are at least seven of the 62 confirmed SNR's present in this field of the Large Magellenic Cloud. 

DEM L316a, DEM L316b, DEML299, DEML218, N157b, SNR 1987a, N159 & very possibly four others. https://hea-www.harvard.edu/ChandraSNR/snrcat_lmc.html

28 hrs data acquired via Stellarmate under near full moon from my light polluted Bortle 6/7 backyard in Melbourne, Australia.

Tak TOA 130 Refractor with TOA35 0.7 reducer, Tak NJP Mount, QSI 6162 Camera, Chroma 5nm Ha & S2  3nm O3 & RGB filters, Lodestar x2 guide camera.

Calibrated & stacked in APP, post production with Photoshop.

We Southern hemisphere folk are extremely fortunate to be able to image the Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070) and the associated Nebulae, SNR's, Gas shells, star clusters & bubbles within the LMC. 😀



Edited by AndysAstroPix
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This is the only PN that I can post. A bare 90 mins H-alpha on M27. My Fleming's Triangle was started at the back end of August so isn't eligible and I have since moved on to galaxies. Ah well...


And there's some shadowing on the right that isn't visible in the original.

Hardly worth posting really.

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Here's a late entry - Veil in HOO. 110 mins Ha, 110 mins Oiii.

Shot with an asi1600, EFW and samyang 135mm stopped down a stop.

I had to jerry rig a connection to the lens with the only thing I had - a canon eos to 1mm thread M42 adapter rather than 0.7". So it sort of screwed on a bit, but not all the way, making the lens focus at about 10 feet.. I thought that would play havoc with star shapes but it actually doesn't seem to have.

I captured a lot of faint reds and blues all over the background, but really wanted to bring the main nebula out as the focus, so sacrificed some of that, pulling the background darker, and raining back the stars.

To be honest I've never really been sure how to best process the Veil, it's all a bit of a compromise. anyway, this makes my 3rd entry so I'll leave it at that.


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This is 16 x 10 mins on Sh2-240 taken with a Samyang 135 mm lens at F2.8 with a Moravian G2-8300 and 7nm Baader Ha filter. Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in APP, (LP removal), PI (Starnet, Curves Transformation and Pixelmath to recombine) and Affinity Photo.



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HI All,

My entry is is the Dumbbell nebula - M27 Planetary Nebula extraordinaire 

Took this using a Celestron C11 XLT with a ASI294MC Pro OSC Camera and a Optolong L-Extreme 7nm dual Ha / Oiii dual narrow band filter.

It is made up of 29 300 second subs and calibration frames and the camera was set to unity gain



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Hi, here's  M1 Crab Nebula from 1st November


19 x 600s Lights 
L-extreme dual band HaOiii filter 
EdgeHD8|AA294CProTec|EQ6R-Pro|CelestronOAG (ASI178mm)

Processed in PixInsight


M1 Crab Nebula November 2021.jpg

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Well, like tomato above, I have plans to shoot Sharpless 2-240 and thought I might enter it for this challenge. However, reflection problems with my RASA setup and endless cloud have put paid to that. So as nothing more is probably going to get done this month, I thought I'd enter this one that I shot in early October.

Perhaps this is a bit cheeky as dark nebula Barnard 175 was the main target, but I also knew I had planetary nebula Dengel-Hartl 5 (PK 111 +11.1) in the frame, which came out nice and bright just above and to the right of centre. And as a bonus, the red filaments across the frame are part of the huge super nova remnant SNR 110.3+11.3.  

RASA 11, CEM120, ZWO ASI2400MC Pro.  126 x 30s with IDAS ODW (clear filter), 16 x 180s with IDAS NBZ dual narrowband filter. Processed in Pixinsight.

B175 3 Comb lowstars.jpg

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NGC1514 (Crystal ball nebula)

SW MN190, camera a ASI178 mono Binned 2 x 2

80 x 37 seconds Lum, 20 x 37 seconds Red, 18 x 37 seconds Green, 20 x 37 seconds Blue and 20 x 60 seconds Ha. Stacked using APP and processed using GIMP. Shot over two nights between clouds using Sharpcap's sequencer software.


Edited by Tomatobro
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Abell 6, a small (188 arc seconds) planetary nebula in Cassiopeia that is overshadowed by it's larger, more flamboyant neighbour HFG 1. So I decided to give it more of the attention that I think it deserves by going deeper, and with higher resolution, than it normally receives. It was first catalogued by George Abell in 1955.

Image captured on my remote dual rig at Fregenal de la Sierra in Spain between 22-26 October 2021.
Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152 Refractors
Cameras: QSI6120wsg8
Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS
A total of 65 hours 30 minutes image capture (HaOIIILRGB)
More details at: https://www.imagingdeepspace.com/abell-6.html

Abell6 v2.jpg

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I would like to add my submission of The Veil Nebula.

  • Image capture and processing was performed by myself
  • Capture Dates: 23rd Sep 2021 | 11th Oct 2021 | 12th Oct 2021 | 23rd Oct 2021 | 01st Nov 2021 | 02nd Nov 2021
  • 5-panel mosaic
  • One-shot colour camera (ASI533), with Optolong L-eXtreme filter
  • ~10hrs integration time across all panels (180s x 195)

Full image acquisition and processing information can be found in a separate thread which I have linked below my image.





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