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Transit of Europa, Concealment of Io


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Transit of Europa, ocultação de Io
Planejei esta sessão para tentar fazer 3 horas de filmes e assim criar um Gif com o trânsito de Europa e o esconderijo de Io.
A ideia era pegar a saída de Io e Ganimedes por trás do planeta, mas às 04:10 UT as nuvens vieram
atrapalhar o trabalho . A alegria do astrofotógrafo nunca está completa!

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There were 50 videos of 60 sec with 60 sec intervals totaling 2 hours of effort. Without editing in Winjupos to make the image beautiful, variations from one film to another are inherent to seeing variations.
Date: August 12, 2021 between 02:28 UT and 04:09 UT

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I'm sorry to sum up many hours of work in just a few short words, but that is rather 'neat' .  It still amazes me that it is possible to pick up such detail from the earth without it coming from a space craft flying closer to the planet.

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