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Let's have a seat, friends.  I believe this falls under the category of "Equipment" but I don't see it talked about much.

Are there such things as ergonomic seats/benches/stools made just for telescope observing? Can anyone recommend something nice that you have used over the years or has a simple white hard plastic porch chair served you well?

I'd like to observe in relative comfort but being new to this hobby I haven't yet found anything that works for me.

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I find seated observing suits me fine, far less tiring for long sessions, I personally feel that more can be seen with a steadier head.  However some find that seated observing doesn’t work for them.

If you could say what type of telescope you use that’s relevant and affects what type of seat is good.  For my Dobsonian scopes I use an adjustable height drummers stool.  I have several Dobs and having adjusted the stool height for that scope then no further adjustment is needed for that session.

For my refractor I need a different seat height according to whether I’m observing at a high or low altitude. When observing overhead the eyepiece is low to the ground.  I use one of the many dedicated astronomy seats that can rapidly be adjusted for height.

Hope that helps, Ed.

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4 minutes ago, NGC 1502 said:

I find seated observing suits me fine, far less tiring for long sessions, I personally feel that more can be seen with a steadier head.  However some find that seated observing doesn’t work for them.

If you could say what type of telescope you use that’s relevant and affects what type of seat is good.  For my Dobsonian scopes I use an adjustable height drummers stool.  I have several Dobs and having adjusted the stool height for that scope then no further adjustment is needed for that session.

For my refractor I need a different seat height according to whether I’m observing at a high or low altitude. When observing overhead the eyepiece is low to the ground.  I use one of the many dedicated astronomy seats that can rapidly be adjusted for height.

Hope that helps, Ed.

I have a little 70mm refractor (for now) until I upgrade to an EdgeHD at some point.  I feel like I could grab any sort of chair for now as a budget option because what I'm noticing in the marketplace is that as soon as you slap on a label of "astronomy", it's license to triple the price because there are a certain sector of people that will automatically buy into the idea because it's marketed that way.  This happens in a lot of industries mind you :).

But a drummer stool is a good idea!

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I use one of these- it's great and not subject to the astronomy tax that you're talking about.


I notice that there are cheaper ones now as well. Only downside is that Amazon spam you about disability living aids for about a month after you buy it...

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I just use a plastic, stacking patio chair for most of my observing.  It's convenient because it's already out on the back patio, so one less thing to haul out.  When my back gets tired, I can lean back, unlike most dedicated observing chairs.


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I have a Catsperch Observing chair which I find very useful, it goes up pretty high which can be handy.


I believe the Geoptik Nadira is quite popular.

I understand you can sit on this facing either way, but reading this thread may lead you into a twilight zone of craziness caused by lack of astronomical darkness and too much cloud! 🤪🤪




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4 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

That's the chair I use, but that price is a total rip off!!

I bought mine from RVO, see below, as our sponsors don't appear to stock this item..



I enquired about one of these a while back but they weren't getting any in until July I think they said. Looking around it seems this is the old price although they did not say new stock would be priced higher. I found them on Amazon at £143 which was as low as I could find and in stock.

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