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Tonight is the night - Transparent skies over the uk tonight and no moon


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5 hours ago, Stu said:

Thanks Mark. There still seems to be high cloud on the satellite but hopefully that will clear.

I will put the 12” dob out and try to see some galaxies, starting with M65 and 66. If I can’t see those I shall sulk, and likely go to bed 🤣🤣🤣

Well. I did just about manage to see M65 and 66, but it was a fairly uninspiring experience due to the LP.  I had a bit of a trawl about usual suspects, and enjoyed M3 but have called it a night as I’ve got an early start.

Enjoy those of you out there with clear skies! 👍

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I have the ODK 12 running a long sequence on M106, 4 hours Blue, and 2 hours H-alpha, though I expect the last few subs to be affected by dawn light. The TS Apo is running 4 1/2 hours RGB (3 x 90 min) on the Leo Triplet which will be getting low by the time the sequence ends.

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I'm having a cup of something warm before going out again.

So far I've concentrated on the upper forequarters of Leo and picked up 13 galaxies of which 8 are new spots, or at least I've not seen them for a long time.

I seem to be able to get the ones with a surface brightness of around magnitude 13 or brighter tonight. That's around 1 magnitude better than the last couple of nights I've been out so the transparency is better tonight.

I have managed to see all the Leo Quad / Hickson 44 group but NGC 3187 was right at the limit this evening and I needed to use 200x plus magnification to confirm it.

I'll probably just concentrate on the Leo galaxies in this session and leave Virgo / Coma B for another session. It's a bit parky out there !


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Not sure about the transparency here, and TBH the sky did have that milky blue look to it earlier. When I went out a bit earlier I could see M44, but it was a struggle, normally it's stand-out obvious, and just now I've ben out and there's no trace of the stars of Coma, again normally pretty obvious.

Still imaging but I think I'll turn in and leave the automation to it.

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I'm inside warming up and because some high clouds rolled in. I'll give it 30 minutes and if it's not cleared, call it a night.

Saw some new galaxies tonight. In Canes Venatici: M63 (Sunflower), NGC 5005 and NGC 5033. Some of the old faves too.

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High cloud from the NE is rolling in now.  Saw the Nova Cass, pleased about that. Sadly lot of light pollution from a new container park is intruding in a lot of the  DSO stuff.  Aiming for a local darker locale towards the end of the week when it is predicted clear again.

Hope others have a good night.


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I've just packed in now but it's still pretty clear outside.

The transparency was good tonight but I think it could be better still. Not complaining though. 28 Leo galaxies plus 13 down (or up) the Markarian's Chain plus others unidentified in the Virgo / Coma B boundary puts a smile on my face even though it's a little chilly out there :smiley:



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I have also just come in after a long relaxing session under the stars. Lovely to see Hercules and M13 and Lyra rising again, Summer is coming.

I managed to see all my targets tonight so my transparency was good.

So encouraged to read everyone's posts about their observing and imaging this evening. 


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Great stuff chaps. The transparency wasn’t great here, I could barely see Iota Leonis at Mag 4.0 with the naked eye, needed averted vision, so no wonder I was struggling with M65 and 66 :(. that’s my best direction too.


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The sky was good in Oxford, I could see all the stars of the Ursa Minor and managed to spot M65 and M66 with 20x80 binoculars while the camera was clicking away at the telescope. I got some nice images of M51, always wanted to have my own picture of it. After that I tried visually for the 'hamburger' NGC 3628 and got a hint with averted vision :) So a good night here too!

Edited by Nik271
corrected the NGC number
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