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Another newcomer - from down under

aussi skywatcher

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Hi everyone, I found this site as a result of browsing (and purchasing!) the Astronomica web site, looks very interesting.I live in Whyalla South Australia (originally from the Sheffield area in UK 29 yrs ago) and have had a life long interest in astronomy, Ive had small refractor telescopes and generally only played around all this time, but now I am retired and have time on my hands I have taken a much deeper interest recently. A few months ago I made an impulse buy on ebay, I bought a Chinese 114mm Newtonian reflector scope which seemed ok , far better than the other scopes I have owned and it really got me awakened to just what I have been missing all these years. I soon realised the limitations of this scope but it was good to learn the basics like collimation etc and it has undergone quite a few "improvements" in the short time I have had it.A few weeks ago after much looking around and soul searching (and budget cutting!) I decided to buy a Skywatcher 203 x 1200mm dobsonian telescope and I have to say I am very pleased with it so far. I think my only "complaint" has been the slight stiffness/ notchiness when rotating the mount and to this end I have spent a little time modifying it with roller bearings and an adjustable tensioning centre spindle - much better and smoother than the teflon pads. At the moment Orion is high in our sky (upside down of course!) so I have been looking at the nebula etc in that area- stunning compared to previous viewings! Our sky here is very dark,even in my backyard so there is much to see, my main problem is finding it all. I have always been interested in photography and have already experimented with the digital camera through the eyepiece on the moon, quite pleased with the initial results too!It will be good to talk to you guys and learn more about this great hobby. :)

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Hi And welcome to SGL. I'm another complete newcomer and Iv'e learned more from this site than previouse weeks of reading up. They are a very friendly bunch and have an answer for any question no matter how mundane it seems.


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Hi Aussie

I've just got back from Oz over Christmas. Your'e a very lucky lot down there... M42 reaching well over 75 deg altitude :shock: (well it did from Brisbane anyway). Some amazing deep sky gems in the Southern sky area North of Crux. Sirius right on the zenith is just an amazing sight. I could go on and on but you can see what im getting at lol. an 8" Dob is a fantastic choice of scope (perfect when mounted :) ) Welcome to SGL


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G'day Digger. :) Don't know if that term is still alive in this PC world we live in. And I don't mean the computer chain. :)

It is a military term I think, pertaining to Aussie and N. Zealanders.

I hope you enjoy SGL lots of willing help available if you need it.


Ron. :)

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G'day Mate

Welcome to the SGL forum.

Although I live in Sheffield (and have done for the past 32 years) I'm a Lancastrian by birth (and I still think that the locals hold it against me!)

How I envy your warm weather and clear skies (even if everything is 'upside down'). When I was in Oz recently, I kept getting lost because I hadn't realised how much I rely on the Sun for subconscious navigation. I kept thinking I was going North and the ocean was on my left and my uncle would say "No, we're going South and the ocean is on our right! Here in the UK we seem to have had nothing but grey skies, rain & high winds for the last couple of months :) , much to everyone's frustration!

Which part of Sheffield do you herald from BTW?


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