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You asked for honest opinions on your list. I'm sure that folks have done just that. I certainly have :smiley:

If we start ignoring what many feel are the best options then you are not getting "honest" feedback anymore.


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+1 for an 8" dobsonian being the best of that list if the question isn't qualified with any particular special requirements.

It's not easy to rank the list or say anything more refined because that would depend on your exact preferences and circumstances, and in this hobby everything is a compromise of one thing against another.

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@Nair al Saif Good question. Planets were a lot bigger on same eyepieces as same as DSO’s... So could see more details on planets, but looking at DSO’s it was more or less the same except them appearing bigger. Maybe it was like that because humidity was high. Started appreciating my Evo after that a lot more as it was easy to carry and so easy to use. Although I am planning on buying the Dob. 


Just to add, I’ve used Dob for like half an hour, hour or so..

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Just to clarify for the OP. A bigger scope ,by this more aperture will allow for more light gathering ability. In turn (like for like quality , mirror or lens) more magnification can be used and therefore a better image will be shown (Sky conditions permitting)

I have a 8" reflector, and think it really is a top performing all round scope for very sensible money.




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I don't think there is any "winning" with astronomical telescopes. There will always be positives, negatives and what will suit one person may not suit another. I think its better to choose a telescope, put that in a search on SGL and read what people say about it, then decide whether you think  whether it will suit you. If it doesn't move on to the next.  Its sometimes good to get peoples view on two closely matched scope eg  Bresser vs Skywatcher 8" Dobs, but to have a long list of scopes that differ so much is, I think, a fruitless line of enquiry, and asking people, in effect, to decide for you, isn't going to work.

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Back in April I was in your position.  Ended up with a 130mm F5 Newt on a goto Alt-Az mount.  Absolutely love it, it's out every clear night, it's teaching me to find my way around the night sky, etc etc. 

I ordered a 10 inch Dob about a month ago. So the 5 inch newt lasted me around 4 months before I wanted more.

More resolution for solar system objects  - I can see the Cassini Division and the GRS - just about, but I want more. I could get better contrast and maybe slightly better resolution than my Newt with a reasonably priced Mak, but then that's not much use for DSO (no offence Makkists!) and that's an issue because...

I also want DSO! Fleeting glimpses of M3 (tiny dim smudge) and the Ring nebula (very very faint weeny smoke ring) have whetted my appetite. And the Dob will get me both closer to Mars and deliver brighter bigger DSO in one package. That you have to nudge.


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