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Hi All

i am new to stargazing and i am looking to learn how to use my new telescope.

i have only used it to look at the moon so far with a few of my friends and neighbours

and we were very impressed with the detail.(we are easily impressed) :hello2:

as you can see i am a very new begginer so you must excuse me if i am not up to some

of your standards but i hope to gain experience and learn how to look fourther into space.

all advise and knowledge will be greatly accepted.

one of the things i need to learn is how to use the correct eyepieces for the correct aplication

thank you


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Welcome to SGL Daz,

Great news that you neigbours are interested - helps no end when talking to them about lights...

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures and I hope I can answer some of your questions.



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Welcome to SGL Daz, having understanding neighbours is a bonus. As a general rule of thumb, use low power on nebulae and galaxies, and high power on the moon, planets, and globular clusters.

What scope do you use ?

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thanks for the welcome guys

i have bought a meade ext 60 it has a 9mm and a 25mm lense.

i would like to learn how to see stars in more detail but i am not sure if the telescope i have bought is actually capable of this.

it says it is but i am not sure.

we all had great fun looking at the moon and were amazed at the detail we could see.

so if the ext60 is not to cleaver for looking into space maybee i could get some tips as to how i could get some closer veiws of the moon.

by the way i am in scarborough north yorkshire



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hi dave

its a great feeling to know that you people are genuinely enthusiastic about what you do and are interested in teaching us new to the night sky even though ive been looking at it for the past 46 years wondering what it all meant.

now its time to look closer and i can wait.



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Welcome to the forum.

A few pointers.

Stars no matter how much you magnify a star it will still look like a point of light. What is of interest are double stars which are often of very different colours - e.g. yellow and blue (Alberio in Cygnus).

Always start with the eyepiece with the largest number written on it (25mm) as this gives the lowest magnification. Once you have located the object you can go to higher magnification - in your case the 9mm.


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hi daz

i can remember when i was about 11 years old and i was the only daz in the school but as ive grown up (and out) it seems that daz is becoming a more and more common name.

even people who's names are not darren are called daz now thats confusing :shock:

we will have to come to some arrangement like doc said BigDaz LittleDaz or if it gets to confusing you can call me daz :) only joking you can call me darren if you can be bothered to type extra letters :)



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