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Jupiter and Saturn, 22 June

Cosmic Geoff

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I recently had a minor chest operation which has temporarily left me unable to lift anything heavy, which has curtailed my astronomical activities. Last night, being clear in the late evening and early hours, seemed too good to miss, so I set up my 127mm Maksutov in place of the CPC800.

I had intended to image Mars as well, but discovered in the early hours that having set up in a different position to my 30 May effort, Mars was blocked by an adjacent building till dawn.

Equipment: 127mm Maksutov, SLT mount, wood tripod, ASI224MC camera, ADC,  each best 20% of 5000 frames, processed in Registax6.  The Great Red Spot should just be visible disappearing around the side of Jupiter.  Part of the Cassini division is visible in the Saturn image.  Overall these have not turned out too badly, considering the low altitude and poor seeing.





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