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A nice thin wibbly wobbly crescent.


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Decided to risk leaving the house today... I haven't been out for a while and was expecting it to be like a scene from 28 days later. 

Wanted to see if I could spot the crescent moon, and it wasn't going to happen from my garden. Pulled over into a mud layby thing and tried to spot the moon in the glare. 

Finally spotted it at 20:32 and a few seconds, and managed to get a quick rough and ready shot. Then relaxed and went for the nicer shots as the moon dropped. 

I also managed to watch the moon through the murk until it was about degree and a little bit above the horizon. I'm hoping to put together a little animation as it sets, but the first attempt at that hasn't gone that well :)







and finally



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Wow, that last image is a keeper. I can make out a full disk of Earthglow just by zooming in on my phone.

I didn't venture out to see it. I have a perfect seaward horizon but apparently the police are moving people on along the sea front so thought best to keep away.

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Thank you all :) 

It was a lovely hour or so spent out actually. My 7 yr old came with me. We saw horses, swans, Venus and the Moon. The police even drove past, and i must admit that i thought that I was going to be quizzed on what I was doing. 

Here is another image, quite sharp this one. Pretty much out the camera, all these images were taken on auto (no flash obviously) Canon 450D with a 55-250 zoom.


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2 minutes ago, barkis said:

You did good getting that very young sliver of the moon.
Shot with your DSLR was it?

Yes Ron, the old but reliable 450D. Daz's old camera. I used the 55-250 IS zoom. Zoomed right in of course. 

That view is directly over Peterborough and surrounding industrial areas, I suspect that had we not been in lockdown, I wouldn't have been able to see down that low. 

Weather permitting, I might try again tonight with the ED80.


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Finished manually aligning the 67 (now 49 frames) for the sequence in photshop. I was pretty brutal with the image selection - had a LOT where the moon has "jumped" due to the mirror movement internally I think. 

But I am really happy with this! Well worth the effort.



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