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Heads Up!! WL Active region rotating into view!


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I had both the H-a and WL scopes out today, and whilst I could see lots of activity and some nice proms in H-a this morning, the high thin cloud moved in and spoilt views this afternoon.

However, I could not find anything in WL. I was using a ST102 and binoviewers as I wanted to try and see proper granulation, but got really poor views and despite searching couldn't see any kind of detail on the disc.

The wind would have been too much for the ED100 and I wanted more aperture than 66mm so opted for the ST102 instead.

Looking at the comments above, maybe it's time to move the ST102 on and look for an ED80 variant.

Really disappointed to have dallied too long and missed the Vixen ED80 a few weeks ago.

Seeing wasn't great today due to the high thin cloud, and there is always tomorrow to try for granulation.

Glad that others had some luck though.

Edited by AdeKing
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Just had a really good half an hour or so on this. Getting granulation 100-125x mag. Over that, I couldn’t find it. After a lot of searching I got the AR. Three tiny spots, or pores I guess they would be now, in a vertical line. I think I picked up other pores too but those are the ones I got most consistently. It took an awful lot of concentration to get my eye focusing on the right point and then to hold it. It felt like a DSO session looking for faint nebulousity. Really tricky. I don’t think I would have seen anything without yesterday’s experience with granulation. Probably my most satisfying WL session to date. 

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Probably posted elsewhere already, but this is the Tak FC100 in solar White Light mode. It’s excellent finishing the day with scope pointed low to the west, then to switch out the Herschel Wedge for a diagonal, swing the mount round in RA and pick up the moon for the evening‘s observing!

The seeing varies so much, after my earlier excellent session, I tried later on and the seeing was much worse and I could only just see the spots.

Sorry about the additional pictures, deleted now. Not sure how they got there! I don’t think pictures of Lorna (6) trying to catch hoverflies counts as Astro related 🤣🤣







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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

There is a pretty decent looking prom on the sun now :D



Thanks for the heads up.

54 minutes ago, Stu said:

Nice, might have to switch to Ha today!

Looking very nice in the Lunt LS60 with DS Stu, loads of detail visible in the proms.

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