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Scope for light polluted sky/living room

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Hey guys,

I take out my main scope (250px Dob) to a dark site (not that dark actually 😞 ) every time I can which happened a grand total of 1 time this year due to the terrible weather and life in general. I once was told that the best scope is the one you use most often so I am considering a small scope that I would keep in my living room and would use on the terrasse probably for less than an hour each time to look between the clouds.

I live in Brussels which has its fair share of light pollution so I would probably stick to targets that don't suffer too much from it (moon, planets, multiple stars and star clusters). I also would like the scope to have a nice appearance since I would keep it in my living room. Budget wise I would like to keep it reasonnable ... let's say less than 400 Eur 

My initial thoughts was to get either a 3 or 4' achro refractor or a 5' mak. Probably on Alt-Az manual mount as it's easier to use.

Can I please have your opinion/advice on what scope and what mount?


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I think a living room really needs a classic 4" f10 or f11 achro on a nice wooden tripod mount. Something like a TAL or Lyra Optics 102 f11 would be nice I think, and great on your likely targets.

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46 minutes ago, Stu said:

I think a living room really needs a classic 4" f10 or f11 achro on a nice wooden tripod mount. Something like a TAL or Lyra Optics 102 f11 would be nice I think, and great on your likely targets.

Do you know where I can buy those?

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When I owned a 10 inch dob a 4 inch refractor was my "other" scope. It got a lot of use. In my case a Vixen ED 102mm but the long achromats are very nice as well. I think @johninderby has exceeded your budget though, unless you already have a suitable mount for a long refractor !




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My thoughts r since u have a 10 dob for deep sky objects maybe a nice refractor 4 inch to 5 inch size

Or if u can find the skywatcher evostar 100mm used that should just get u into your budget less the mount and tripod, get this bit later.

Dont get a st refractor either a long FL one or ed

U know what I just picked up a kson 102mm f 7 ed refractor 2 weeks ago.  It's a 51 glass not 53 and came with a dual speed focuser.  The focuser looks like its mid quality and not your basic dual speed that come with synta or gso.

I paid $440 cdn I'm guessing that could be $275 UK?  Still enough for a mount. Can u find anything like this there?

Just to upgrade the focuser like alot scope must do is least half the cost of the scope.  And its 51ed glass which will be much better than any acro can give u unless its f15 or longer but 1/3 the length.

Maybe I can post few pics if u want?

My last suggestion is 6 inch mak cass but cooldown will be issue maybe up to an hr



Edited by joe aguiar
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3 hours ago, Stu said:

I think a living room really needs a classic 4" f10 or f11 achro on a nice wooden tripod mount. Something like a TAL or Lyra Optics 102 f11 would be nice I think, and great on your likely targets.

Depending on the living space available, I will say go for a Mak or SCT... or if funds permit a TV-76 or TV-85 and an alt-az mount.

...also nice and compact if you have to rely on public transport. :icon_salut:   

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4 hours ago, Raph-in-the-sky said:

What do you think about the Bresser Messier AC range? They have 90/900, 90/1200, 102/1000 and 102/1350

I think AC is a typo in one shop, it's AR elsewhere. From comments I've read on them, you're better off going for one of the 102 options as the 90 options have significant amounts of plastic parts (including the focuser).

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10 hours ago, Ricochet said:

I think AC is a typo in one shop, it's AR elsewhere. From comments I've read on them, you're better off going for one of the 102 options as the 90 options have significant amounts of plastic parts (including the focuser).

You are right... Astroshop regularly does this type of mistakes.

Thanks for the information. I definitely don't want a telescope that is half plastic

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23 minutes ago, GlenM said:

I remember selling that scope to Marvas. They are excellent scopes. You wouldn't be sorry buying the scope.





I would totally buy it if it wasn't collection only... I live in Belgium, going to Watford just to get this scope seems a bit much

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50 minutes ago, Louis D said:

Of course, if you have the money and one came along used, I can't think of a better looking scope for the living room that also performs very well than the Televue Renaissance 101 or 102:


I haven't checked the price ... and I won't 🙂

If you wish to gift one of those to me I will happily accept!

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16 hours ago, Ricochet said:

I think AC is a typo in one shop, it's AR elsewhere. From comments I've read on them, you're better off going for one of the 102 options as the 90 options have significant amounts of plastic parts (including the focuser).

I just had a look at those focusers and I have to say that the ones on 90 options really look like [removed word]. Thanks for the heads up, I would have been disapointed.

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