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Stacking Software

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Possible silly question. Could be a greek parliament. What stacking software to use with digital camera astro photos (and video/time lapse), in Windows 10. 

Looking for effective and with ease of use.  Some of the software apps I've looked at are pretty old now and rather clunky.

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To stack frames I used Deep Sky Stacker when I used a DSLR, if that's what you're referring to by digital camera. To do a timelapse, I used Photoshop and its timeline feature. I have since moved on to an astro imaging camera and use PixInsight for stacking, but still use Photoshop for timelapses.

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I used to use DSS and still do for checking my subs to see if any need deleting but I use astropixel processor for stacking, it’s different and requires a bit of research but it’s results are (for me) better than DSS 



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Thank you everyone. 

Yes by "Digital Camera" I mean my various micro 4/3, being mirrorless are not "SLR" but can swap lenses.  Back focus is a bit different but results are very good once that is understood and they're mounted properly. Initially the lack of a mirror box meant they wanted to sit practically inside the OTA; eyepiece projection works.  Lack of sensor noise on the GH4 is excellent as being developed for video the sensor is mounted on a heat sink and the LMOS is biased to sweep stray electrons off it.  Likewise the G7 but the E-M5ii has a bit more noise at high ISO and likes to turn magenta with long videos as its sensor cannot be cooled, good shooting controls on it though, and a USB tether program.

The crop size with a long lens means that some of my long lenses make effective telescopes in their own right; the 800mm mirror lens becomes FF equivalent to 1600mm and there is a x2 teleconverter for it. The Bigma 50-500, well you can work it out. Wide angle I can go down to 7mm. They can go on the Star-Adventurer. My telescope is a Celestron 130SLT, Barlow, various eyepieces.

I do have DSS but it's been a few year since I've been able to use the telescope, things happen like that. I was hoping software applications had moved on a bit.  

APP looks good but it's  £150 to purchase and I'm on a pension, hmm ...

Forgive me, I may be old and dim, but I cannot find any "Timeline Feature" in Photoshop Elements 14 (or 12). It may be there if it is called something else now. I do also have the 'Premiere Elements 14' which is the video app. I do not use 'Organiser' as I use a less intrusive database for that job.

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1 hour ago, jefrs said:

APP looks good but it's  £150

I'm with @bottletopburly regarding Siril, not least of which that it doesn't cost €silly. It puts you firmly in control. It does exactly what you tell it rather than what it thinks you should be doing. Excellent same day/hour/minute support, almost at the PHD2 support level. Recommended.

Siril: free download


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