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Flat Earther on 'This Morning'

Skipper Billy

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I watched a tiny bit of it on Youtube, but then decided life is too short to waste on this drivel. The man might have an open mind, but clearly his brain has fallen out. Before I waste any more time pointing out they are wrong, I challenge them to come up with a sane, flat-earth explanation of this video:



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There's no arguing with people like that. Whatever evidence is put to them they will always find some excuse or counter with some conspiracy argument or other.  

Perhaps the most interesting aspect is why do they do it? What motivates them?  Are they attention seekers? Are they simply contrarian by nature? Are some quite cynically making money out of promoting wacky ideas that they don't even believe to be true? 

Edited by Ouroboros
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Flat earthers and others of that ilk are denying reality as many find the truth to be too confusing. or difficult to understand. It’s a “safe” easier to,accept alternative for them so when you question their belief they can’t or won’t accept any rational discussion.

A good way to counter these people is to say something like “Ahh a denialist then” and say no more and walk away leaving them trying to work out what a denialist is.😁

Edited by johninderby
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The flat earth belief is just one of any number of bizarre beliefs that these sorts have. The problem is, as said above, a distrust in (experimentally provable) reality - a general problem of the mind that would hang onto any strange idea.

Feels like this is exclusively the reserve of the mentally ill (who deserve medical attention) and the easily influenced (who need a dose of scientific education).

Edited by arrayschism
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I am reluctant to condemn or ridicule people who believe wacky things. First off I think it's their right to believe whatever they want, and to express those beliefs. Secondly I think eccentricity is something we should accept and even celebrate. There's too much condemnation of people who think differently or who are different - as the Internet reminds us only too well. Thirdly it's good to be sceptical. It is through sceptics and those who question that we make progress. Now I'm not suggesting that flat earthers are misunderstood geniuses.  They're not. But maybe in order to have a few  Einstiens and Leonardos we have to put up with a few outliers on the normal distribution curve of wackiness.  

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Problem is though, is that it's not just a few eccentrics. Although they're firmly in the minority at the moment flat earthers have their own convention now and are starting to get quite a lot of mainstream exposure. For me they're in the same bracket as anti vaxxers. There's a weird brand of anti intellectualism in the world at the moment where the individual opinion is prized above evidence. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, they're not entitled to have it protected from scrutiny.

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