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First light with FSQ 106 - M42 (what else!)


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Well it was going to be M78 but I couldn't get any stars to appear on the QHY5v guide cam I was using. Ended up working unguided so decided to go for something nice and bright instead.

Lots of problems at the mo - my Lodestar guider has developed a faulty guide port so has had to go back to SX via Ian King. My dew prevention system is falling apart and threatening to short at any time. My laptop is finally giving up after 3 years of abuse. Just got a new one but the XP drivers for the serial to USB converter don't work with Vista and the old starry night software I was using wouldn't pick up the EM200 without an ascom update.

But who cares, I have the scope of my dreams and was determined to have a play in between the clouds which kept rolling across. This is 30x1 min and 12x2mins all unguided with QHY8 and FSQ. Lovely to see the stars small and round at the edge of the QHY8. No vignetting seen and lovely contrasty subs. Not a great image, I know, needs more time and longer subs looks very promising.

New laptop all powered up and ready to go, new Kendrick dew system has arrived and best of all - Ian King has just sent me his own Lodestar to use whilst I'm waiting for SX to sort mine out!!!! What a man!


(click to enlarge)

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That's a gorgeous image Martin, the nebulousity has a gossamer like quality to it...sharp but wispy.

I like it a lot, you're going to have a lot of fun with the FSQ, the quality shines through in this image.

Ian King is great isn't he, first class chap :(



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That's going to be a killer setup. You have a bigger field than I get when I use the ZS66 and 285 chip. Yes, you have fun to come...

I also agree about Ian King. He gets stuff out to me quicker than the local suppliers do and, unlike them, he sends me what I asked for!

You wil be putting up some deluxe posts, I do believe.


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Looks great Martin. I dont know much about this malarkey really, but something stands out to my eye at least, and that is the difference in the contrast and sharpness and quality that you only seem to get with a top quality OTA.

Posts that stand out to me recently - Paulo's M42, Roundycats pics this week, and there was another one from a Takahashi I think.

It's always nice to see where you actually benefit in real terms from the extra pennies spent. Looking forward to some A1 quality stuff from you now Martin.

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.... something stands out to my eye at least, and that is the difference in the contrast and sharpness and quality that you only seem to get with a top quality OTA.

It definitely has that certain something, the stars in particular are beautiful :(

Looking forward to seeing some more.

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