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There is glue on my new lens?

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My new skywatcher evostar 80ED Pro arrived a week ago or so, and naturally I kept the dust cap on as much as possible to avoid getting dust on the lens. I took it out for my first light on Friday and noticed that there is a small amount of glue on the actual glass of the lens. It looks like someone has glued something on the ring around the lens and accidentally got a thin, stringy bit of glue on the lens. 

I don’t want to even touch it without getting some advice from people here first but urmmmmm any thoughts? It looks like it could potentially come off really easily but on the flip side.... until you try it’s kinda impossible to say and it could be stuck tight onto the surface of the glass. 

I don’t want to damage the lens or remove any coatings on it.

I’m also a bit hesitant to send it back as this would now be the FOURTH issue with this particular order (order missed its delivery date, tripod arrived with a large dent in it, counterweight was literally corroded and had a large chip in it). 

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24 minutes ago, banjaxed said:

It shouldn’t matter how many times you have to get things replaced, you have paid for new items presumably.

Yes all brand new from a fairly reputable supplier. One I used to use a lot a few years ago. On another note, why are the reviews sections on the forum locked? I was going to share some of my experiences. I think from now on I may switch to using FLO. 

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You have certainly had more than your share of problems.

Lenses and coating are generally quite robust. OK don't clean them with wire wool🙂.
But a decent leans cloth with a drop of lens cleaning fluid won't do harm. If it is just a string of glue, it will probably break off easily.

I think that this is the review situation.....

You start NEW review of the supplier. After the mods will ensured it meets the guidelines, they will append it to existing reviews for that supplier.

I may be wrong and await correction!

HTH David.

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I guess carbon brush is right try that see what happens OR call where u bought that from and ask them what they think if cleaning it is ok or should u send it back.

Only reason I say that is if u try and make a mess and then send it back they will think u did that and then it may void any warrenty so try calling 1st if they say go ahead and cklean it then try it


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1 hour ago, joe aguiar said:

I guess carbon brush is right try that see what happens OR call where u bought that from and ask them what they think if cleaning it is ok or should u send it back.

Only reason I say that is if u try and make a mess and then send it back they will think u did that and then it may void any warrenty so try calling 1st if they say go ahead and cklean it then try it


Yeah this is basically what I did. I have emailed them. They asked to see a photo and said they will decide what to do based on that. I’m home tomorrow so I will take one then. I definitely don’t want to try and clean it myself and then make a mess of it. That would definitely stop me being able to return it 

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5 minutes ago, GlenM said:

Don't touch it, send it back. Removing glue is a tricky business. My thoughts anyway.




I agree 100% with Glen - get the vendor to replace the scope. Don't try and clean the objective yourself.

Perhaps see how the vendor responds and include that in your review of their performance ?. It's when things dont go so well that vendors show their quality (or otherwise).


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22 hours ago, willcastle said:

My new skywatcher evostar 80ED Pro arrived a week ago or so, and naturally I kept the dust cap on as much as possible to avoid getting dust on the lens. I took it out for my first light on Friday and noticed that there is a small amount of glue on the actual glass of the lens. It looks like someone has glued something on the ring around the lens and accidentally got a thin, stringy bit of glue on the lens. 

I don’t want to even touch it without getting some advice from people here first but urmmmmm any thoughts? It looks like it could potentially come off really easily but on the flip side.... until you try it’s kinda impossible to say and it could be stuck tight onto the surface of the glass. 

I don’t want to damage the lens or remove any coatings on it.

I’m also a bit hesitant to send it back as this would now be the FOURTH issue with this particular order (order missed its delivery date, tripod arrived with a large dent in it, counterweight was literally corroded and had a large chip in it). 

Yes, back it goes.. that said the fourth issue is not a great start/experience really. You could ask for a full refund on return to be honest!

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Okay, I have had a reply from the retailer. They got me in contact with Optical Vision who are going to collect the scope. I just realised that OV haven't explicitly said they are replacing the scope; they have just arranged to collect the old one. That is strange. I am waiting for clarification of what they are going to do about it. I guess they wont email back until tomorrow now.

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That looks a mess.

OVL are the UK importer for Skywatcher scopes. The replacement should come from, or at least be organised by the vendor. I hope they are not going to expect you to wait around while OVL clean the objective lens. You are entitled to a pristine new replacement and promptly supplied.


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I think the response from OVL is reasonable.
They have arranged to collect and take a look.
When they receive the scope they will hopefully do 'the right thing'.

As someone who works in manufacturing (not astro kit) I can tell you that promising to undertake repair or replacement is best left until you have had sight of the equipment.
Yes there are genuine problems that you need to act on promptly. But there are also those who try to pull a fast one.

Returned faulty equipment to me once included a computer keyboard full of brick dust.
The customer had demolished a wall in his factory without protecting nearby machine control equipment.

I have seen 'faulty' printed circuit boards with the corners knocked off. Dropped from a height?

Then there was the faulty optical encoder. One with a glass disc. It rattled. The disc was smashed. The customer had (using a bench grinder) decided to grind a flat on the shaft!
Another encoder had the 10mm diameter steel shaft bent. No he hadn't done anything to it.

I think that this is OVLs first opportunity to look and put things right in this case. I (and others) look forward to hearing the outcome.

In my view, after seeing the glue, they should be opening their stock to ensure this is a one off.
If it is not a one off, they need to give the China factory an ear bashing and pull stock off sale.

In terms of the quality and delivery issues. Please remember that most retailers are drop shipping popular items from OVL.
The retailer cannot easily control the actions of the manufacturer and shipper. Anyone can sell you dud product.
The outstanding retailer is the one who deals with the problems quickly and effectively. That being an offer of refund if you get more than one problem.

If the general quality is not good, then OVL will get an earful from all the retailers.
In extreme, they may choose to not stock certain ranges, or manufacturers.

I'm sure the retailers will (usually off the record) tell you about certain manufacturers they won't touch.

Keep us updated, David.





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17 minutes ago, Carbon Brush said:

I think the response from OVL is reasonable.
They have arranged to collect and take a look.
When they receive the scope they will hopefully do 'the right thing'.

As someone who works in manufacturing (not astro kit) I can tell you that promising to undertake repair or replacement is best left until you have had sight of the equipment.
Yes there are genuine problems that you need to act on promptly. But there are also those who try to pull a fast one.

Returned faulty equipment to me once included a computer keyboard full of brick dust.
The customer had demolished a wall in his factory without protecting nearby machine control equipment.

I have seen 'faulty' printed circuit boards with the corners knocked off. Dropped from a height?

Then there was the faulty optical encoder. One with a glass disc. It rattled. The disc was smashed. The customer had (using a bench grinder) decided to grind a flat on the shaft!
Another encoder had the 10mm diameter steel shaft bent. No he hadn't done anything to it.

I think that this is OVLs first opportunity to look and put things right in this case. I (and others) look forward to hearing the outcome.

In my view, after seeing the glue, they should be opening their stock to ensure this is a one off.
If it is not a one off, they need to give the China factory an ear bashing and pull stock off sale.

In terms of the quality and delivery issues. Please remember that most retailers are drop shipping popular items from OVL.
The retailer cannot easily control the actions of the manufacturer and shipper. Anyone can sell you dud product.
The outstanding retailer is the one who deals with the problems quickly and effectively. That being an offer of refund if you get more than one problem.

If the general quality is not good, then OVL will get an earful from all the retailers.
In extreme, they may choose to not stock certain ranges, or manufacturers.

I'm sure the retailers will (usually off the record) tell you about certain manufacturers they won't touch.

Keep us updated, David.





I agree of course, but I also don’t like being given the benefit of the doubt when I am being honest. It’s a strange one. I don’t doubt that people try and pull a fast one. But also check out these. The counterweight had a huge chip out of it and clearly the paint and finish has been applied over corrosion. Then the tripod leg also came out of the box with a dent and large scratch in it. That is a thick steel pipe and it again looks like it was done before it was ever put in the box. It is definitely all a bit strange and concerning. 

As for the retailer.... they contacted OVL and got me a replacement leg for the mount and a new counterweight which is good. And those replacement parts were sent to me extremely quickly. So I can’t complain about that. 

But yes I will keep this up to date. 

As a side note.... I have also noticed that the evostar range no longer has the Schott glass logo on it. That deal has come to an end between the two companies. But I am waiting on confirmation as to whether the scope actually contains schott glass still 




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You really do not have to accept that sort of stuff. The scope should be replaced straight away as well. It's not as if they are rare items.

My understanding is that Synta / Skywatcher ED doublets (the 80, 100 and 120) have always used a Schott glass mating element together with the Ohara FPL-53 ED element. A marketing deal was agreed a few years back which is when the Schott logo started to appear on the tubes. I guess that agreement has ceased now but I would be very surprised if Schott mating elements are not still used. The mating element is the low cost one remember - the FPL-53 element costs many times as much. The nature of the glass (ie: refractive index) of the mating element is very important to the overall performance of the objective though.



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First of all welcome to the forum from Land Down Under

Personally, I will be sending whole lot back, getting full refund, and because of all the issues, also send COD, and pay no delivery charges to return, as entire unit is faulty, then go elsewhere to purchase

When things like this happen, puts a damper on the whole astronomical experience

Wishing you all the best


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Those pictures paint a sorry and very poor situation indeed!.. feel for you on this. I have had dealings directly with OVL in the past, and they came good I have to say. However I would indeed enclose a letter of complaint and press for straight replacement. This is not just one small issue.

Good luck & best regards.. Rob

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The plot thickens. OVL are saying they will collect and inspect the scope to see what they will do about it. 

The retailer are insisting I will get a replacement. But then being vague about the entire thing. 

I quite honestly am very disappointed with how the retailer is handling this situation. They actually implied that I am the source of these issues in their last email and basically all but called me a liar. 

They went as far as to tell me that what I was saying isn’t accurate because skywatcher have exceptional quality control and the issues must have occurred in transit or after. Well how do they explain there being GLUE on the lens?!? That didn’t get their in transit. 

I apologise for the rant. I just needed to get it off my chest. It’s so disappointing when I have spent around £4000 with this particular retailer.  I have never had any issues with any of the other 3 scopes I brought from them, or the EQ5 or EQ6 I brought from them. But I guess being a loyal customer doesn’t count for much when I get sent something with issues. 

After this business is concluded I will take my money elsewhere. I have heard tons of good things about FLO so that will now be my next retailer I guess. Shame. Because I have literally never bought any Astro gear for anywhere else. I’m weirdly loyal like that. 

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4 hours ago, johninderby said:

From the photos it looks like a used returned item that has been put back into stock instead of put into the returned pile. 

That is how it hits me, too...

6 hours ago, Louis D said:

Point them to this thread.  They might not be aware this is being played out in a public forum where other potential customers might be reading about your customer service experience.

Name and shame is a powerful tool!

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