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Viewing targets for a 200pds?

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2 hours ago, Rich1980 said:

I was wondering if anyone could help with a list of objects to view with a 200pds? 

It's mainly for photography but when people show interest in what's going off are there any objects that would be ideal in showing them?

It will give very decent views of most objects Rich.

Which eyepieces do you have?

Currently M42 is a great one to look at and will be around all winter. M45 is worth a try if you have a nice widefield eyepiece, plus the Double Cluster too. Plenty more to choose from.

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That’s a question and a half that cos the list is endless especially with a scope like yours which is capable of picking out a lot but the obvious wow factor are the Orion Nebula, Andromeda and M45, The Plaedis. Any double stars are good funtoo

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First of all welcome from Land Down Under

What sort of mount you have with your 200pds, Dobsonian or tracking EQ

Good place to start is by downloading APP Sky-safari, as shows what above us currently

HeavenAbove is also another useful APP

Been down under, I have an entirely different objects to observe, depending on time of year

Our winter months have JewelBox in Crux, known as southern cross, assortment of objects to observe Scorpio

Currently we have Jupiter and Venus western horizon, just on sunset, and Saturn trailing both of them




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One of the best things up there IMO is the ring nebula in Lyra constellation (between the two bottom stars) - needs a bit of averted vision to spot it, but once you have it in sight it's as clear as a bell and amazing to think this 'smoke ring' exists up there, and just by chance we are at the right angle to spot it.  However, I don't know if you can see it at this time of year, as I read online it says that Lyra is a summer constellation.  Well worth remembering for next summer though.

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35 minutes ago, JOC said:

One of the best things up there IMO is the ring nebula in Lyra constellation (between the two bottom stars) - needs a bit of averted vision to spot it, but once you have it in sight it's as clear as a bell and amazing to thing this 'smoke ring' exists up there, and just by chance we are at the right angle to spot it.  However, I don't know if you can see it at this time of year, as I read online it says that Lyra is a summer constellation.  Well worth remembering for next summer though.

It's a nice one, small though so needs a bit of power. Still visible now if you catch it early. It's a 45 degrees altitude at 6pm which is just after full darkness has fallen.

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The moon is a guaranteed wow object seen up close by the uninitiated- and me still 😉. Orion nebula  is spectacular right now- I’m finding a uhc filter really makes it pop. Andromeda galaxy, though only a grey blur from my skies, is still impressive to see and think about. Unfortunately the other major wow objects- the gas giants- are setting a bit early now. Pleiades if you can get wide enough- I can’t get it all in with my F7.3 scope even with a 50mm ep- it looks better through the finder 😉 And yes the double cluster is a favourite

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Back in the 60's I started out with Norton's Star Atlas.....helped me come to terms with astronomical terminology and finding my way around the sky.

Now in it's twentieth edition. it has enhanced charts, each chart with a list of "Double Stars", Variable stars", "Clusters nebulae and galaxies" to observe.

Highly recommended.


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That's a lot of info to work with, thank you so much everyone. 

I have the 28mm eyepiece that came with it, a cheap 12.5mm and x2 Barlow too. 

As mentioned viewing will only really be to show other people, all my time will really be on improving my photography, all being well anyway. 

Thanks again for the advice. 

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