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I like this video (voiced by William Shatner) and the "We Are NASA" one voiced by Mike Rowe. It's incredible to think that in my lifetime, we could have people living on the moon, in orbit around the moon, and possibly setting foot on Mars.

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1 hour ago, FenlandPaul said:

Great video - very exciting.

I worry a bit that the Moon is going to be relegated to the equivalent of Exeter Services on a trip to Cornwall, but without the advantage of a Greggs.

Paul, I think you underestimate the ambition of the Gregg's Board of Directors!

I can see their next tagline...

'An astronaut flies on a custard slice' 😉

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This is exciting stuff.

In the mean time we need to make the most of observing a natural moon, before it starts to feature man-made objects and lights.

Imagine observing the dark side of the moon with lights from settlements being visible with a scope!

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I'm very hopeful, but don't forget we left Apollo hardware sitting in the parking lot, paid for but unused, when the next administration took over.

We must keep moving forward. And somehow, science must be a very big part of it. Not just private business doing something solely for profits.


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I think at some point we need to decide if we want to randomly explore the Moon or exploit it, this could involve heavy mining or even just crashing future satellites etc at there end of life into the Moons surface to provide raw materials for any colonization builds.


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