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With a little heart and Soul


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Hi Folks,

Spent friday night freezing to death!

Had a go at the Heart and Soul nebulae, they seem to be a popular target of late!

Details: Borg 77EDII with 0.85x DGL reducer, Art11000 Camera, Astronomik Ha, LRGB - 8x900sec and 4x300 sec for the LRGB. Had a couple of issues with funny guiding but it seems to have worked out OK! Have not got enough RGB data for this, but that's for another time :)

Here is the HaLRGB and Ha versions, I prefer the Ha only version personally, what does everyone else think?

Comments and suggestions!

Thanks for looking,


(Click on the images for bigger versions)


(And the Ha version)


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It is always horses for courses regarding colour. I prefer the mono when Large DSO nebulae are the subjects. The detail always seems to be sharper somehow, The delicate shadings come forth better to my old eyes.

I like colour when it's narrowband stuff, although your colour versions here are quite pleasing too.

They are splendid outcomes. Very nice work indeed Eddie.

Ron. :salute:

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Big chip, small camera - bingo!! Like the mono at the mo although the colour shows up the background better. A bit stronger with the RGB and I would be going with the colour.

I think getting the colour right with HaHaRGB is tough, esp getting the Ha to look like it should

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