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Mars 31/8/18


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I went out last night with the sole intention of trying out my army surplus field tripod and AZ4.  The damping time with the FC100DC on it was literally 1 second at X206. In other words I couldn't count to 1 before the vibrations ceased - Superb! With that out of the way I whipped out my sketch book with the intention of making a sketch of Mars. The initial view was disappointing as the disc at first appeared blank, with the exception of the south polar cap. Still, with a little patience surface detail did eventually show through, though not with the intensity it should, so there is still plenty of dust to hinder the view. Attached is the field sketch and the cleaned up version.


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Nice Mike! I had a similar view of Mars last night to you, although its position now is difficult for me to look for too long because of trees. I console myself with the thought that at least I didn't make the trip south to S France or Spain this apparition to get a better view of it because with the dust, it wouldn't have made much difference!


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3 minutes ago, chiltonstar said:

Nice Mike! I had a similar view of Mars last night to you, although its position now is difficult for me to look for too long because of trees. I console myself with the thought that at least I didn't make the trip south to S France or Spain this apparition to get a better view of it because with the dust, it wouldn't have made much difference!


Never mind Chris, think of the money youve saved by staying at home. Anyway, it'll be 30° higher in two years, so you'll have a much better chance to sketch some fine detail. ☺

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Thanks for sharing Mike, you are lucky to be able to see it

I got out last night, first time in a month and Mars was visible but caught up in the tree line sadly,
the seeing was a bit rough too, the sky was also not as transparent as I would have like it to be.

Well something to look forward to in 2020,
that will clear the tree line then ?

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3 hours ago, paulastro said:

An excellent drawing Mike.  I observed from 20.55 to 22.00 UT.  Saw some of the same features, but not in as much detail as you managed to record.  Non, the less, very enjoyable and well worth the effort.  :smile:

I'm glad you had a good view of a difficult subject. Perhaps a flipped view may corespond with your own observations better, as you were using one of those reflector thingy's. ☺ I hope to remember to add a classic orientation view in the future. Sorry!


2018-09-01 22.48.51.jpg

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Great sketch Mike - it's hard work on Mars this opposition isn't it ? :smiley:

When details are picked out it does show what might have been if it wasn't for the dust storm. During the Autumn of 2020 Mars will still achieve a 20 plus arc second apparent size as well as being quite a bit higher so lots to look forward to then. And, hopefully, no dust !

I'm using whats left of this opposition to hone my martian observing skills - if I can tease out some details now, 2020 should provide rich pickings :grin:



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1 hour ago, Dave1 said:

Great report and Sketches. I'm struggling with drawing Mars at the moment. I think I maybe still getting my eye in?


I think everyone is struggling with Mars at the moment, so it's almost certainly not your observing skills that are in question Dave. Like John and myself, using this apparition as an opportunity to hone your observing skills, will pay dividends. If you sketch, look for subtle differences in tone and colour and roughly scribble down what you think youre seeing. Im certain youll record more detail over a 10 or 15 minute period than you would have thought possible from the initial eyepiece view. It doesn't have to be a work of art, just a truthful representation as you see it. ☺

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2 hours ago, John said:

Great sketch Mike - it's hard work on Mars this opposition isn't it ? :smiley:

When details are picked out it does show what might have been if it wasn't for the dust storm. During the Autumn of 2020 Mars will still achieve a 20 plus arc second apparent size as well as being quite a bit higher so lots to look forward to then. And, hopefully, no dust !

I'm using whats left of this opposition to hone my martian observing skills - if I can tease out some details now, 2020 should provide rich pickings :grin:



It certainly is hard work John. So much so Infact that I've made relatively few observations this summer. In fact i was seeing similar detail earlier in the apparition when the planet was less than 5"arc.


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14 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

It certainly is hard work John. So much so Infact that I've made relatively few observations this summer. In fact i was seeing similar detail earlier in the apparition when the planet was less than 5"arc.


These sketches are very close to what I have in my memory from my latest observations. very nice. Good idea to write the diameter of the disc has well has the phase.. I will do that too.

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Great sketches Mike, the earlier representations, given such a tiny disc, are particularly impressive. My last two sessions on Mars have not resulted in any sketches, seeing poor,  allowing only a maximum magnification of x 99, and with the disc once again getting smaller by the minute, roll on 2020.    Chris.

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