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What you got planned for tonight then?


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Weather looks not too bad for tonight BUT...Luna is around :undecided: So I think I will try some lunar imaging as I have not yet tried out the Orion LPI I got from Gaz1968 :)

So...whats everybody else planning..astro wise that is :)

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M57 eh? Might have a pop at that myself if i am up late enough.

Steve (Flo) Was round last night, we had a really nice "Looking through the EP night".

M57 looked good through the SN10, so depending on how tired I get i'll give it a go. :undecided:

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Not good here but turned out it was smoke from someone burning something - leaves probably.

For want of something better to do, I took the C11 out to collimate it with an artificial star (fed up of waiting for a real one). Wife came out to see what I was up to and asked if we could have a look at the moon (MikeP faints from shock).

Unfortunately scope was dewed up a bit but we had a lot of fun trying to keep the moon in view at high magnification - mount was pointed due south where I'd put the artificial star. :undecided::) :)


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Hey Paul whereabouts in Nottingham.

I'm from Beeston.

As it happens just one junction up the M1 in Kimberley.

I used to visit a great Dentist in Beeston a few years back but sadly he died very suddenly, he was only in his early Forties.


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I took the scope out as it looked clear - guess what - fog,fog and more fog. Just the same as every other time I have taken it out. Well not quite the other times have been cloud, rain and cloud and rain and cloud and intense thermals and rain etc etc.

I am SERIOULSY thinking of packing it in and selling up. Since I got back into the hobby and bought the SW200 it has been used a grand total of 3 times in as many months and to be honest I feel my enthusiasm just draining away.

I am sat here now seriously considering dumping the SW200 and getting a teeny Meade on a GoTo just for when I go hols to places where you can actually SEE some stars. Ok it would only get used twice a year abroad - that would equate to 21 days seeing a year compared with what - 6 times a year which is all I can see me ever getting at the moment.

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Nice night here (North Somerset). I've been comparing the Moon through various high power eyepiece-barlow / powermate combinations. Schroters Valley looks marvelous tonight :)

Got to go and taxi my daughter back from a party later so no drinkies tonight :undecided:


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Just spent a glorious hour on the Moon...visually with the FL102 and a Pentax 7mm UW (staggering views), then at F45 with the Skynyx...imaging multiple panes at 1800 frames/pane...

Fantastic sight the Moon, with optics this good...Steve (SDC) I owe you big time mate!

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