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Well the cold front stays-yay! I'm observing all the time now under crisp, clear dark skies and tonight the HH showed itself with no filter , with best view given from the 18mm ES 82 with and without the UHC. The 20 Lunt did well in both modes but I figured its time for the big guns...the 25mm TV plossl/ZZ and an excellent copy of the Astromik Hb. Both these eyepieces gave a high contrast view of the HH with the Hb. No snout with the 25mm TV so now the zoom. I zoomed in, I zoomed out but I got no snout :icon_biggrin:

Well thats that then!

An interesting feature caught my attention in the Rosette nebula using the 30 ES 82/UHC. At the top of my newts view in the EP a very nice, highly contrasted,  detached section of billowing nebulosity was seen. It measures roughly 1 deg across and about .25 deg high. I looked connected to the main body by a small bit of nebulosity. This feature really caught my attention tonight, what a prize!

The Running Man, this is a favorite and tonight the conditions were great for seeing the dark lanes that make his shape up. The other night when observing him I tried the 18mm BCO and bam!! excellent superb view giving great enhancement to the shapes. Tonight under similar conditions the 12.5mm Tak ortho went in and again much enhancement.

What I'm saying here is that if dark transparent skies are about and youre observing this object- put those orthos in there, you may be shocked at what you see!

Many Many more objects observed including the Jellyfish nebula and an Eskimo nebula that showed it radial filaments and 2 toned green color. What a night! A fine 2 hour session I must say.

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WOW.. I can only dream to see that much detail.. to day I haven even seen a hint of the HH... and barely seen the rosette, no running man either... than again I'm sure that a 24" dob makes all the difference... I guess my 14" and 8" are too weak to see the HH and the Running man dust lanes... a semi rural area doesn't help either. 


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8 hours ago, MarsG76 said:

WOW.. I can only dream to see that much detail.. to day I haven even seen a hint of the HH... and barely seen the rosette, no running man either... than again I'm sure that a 24" dob makes all the difference... I guess my 14" and 8" are too weak to see the HH and the Running man dust lanes... a semi rural area doesn't help either. 



The scope I used was the 15", I don't have the 24" yet but I can't wait to get it :thumbsup: A major factor in seeing this kind of detail are the skies, mine are truly dark and in these cold snaps, transparent. Not so transparent now though,its -10c and snowing...:icon_biggrin:

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Interesting the feature you mentioned on the Rosette and gaining that enhanced profile of the running man. Good try for the snout but clearly not to be this time. Hope that you gain some more time Gerry on the winter constellations before we enter more into Spring.

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