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First pair of binos , getting out there so obs report and bino review

Nathan UK

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Hey everyone, 

ordered my first set of binos yesterday after help and advice from sgl and to my surprise they have arrived already, I opted for a cheap pair of celestron cometron 12x70only set me back £46 , decided I didn't want to brake  the bank as I'm upgrading my scope  and this is my first set of binos and I'm unsure if I will stick to them (there just a introduction pair)

upto now I'm overly impressed with them for the price! They seem solid, came with a neck strap and bag , there in perfect collimation and I've had a quick terrestrial go and they seem spot on. Looks like the cloud gods are going to let me view tonight so as soon as the stars start twinkling I'm getting in the recliner in the garden to give them a go, I will be back to tell you all about  my journey through space and also tell you what I think of the bins .

clear sky's and catch u later 



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Thanks everyone right I'm doing my obs report in parts so I don't forget, you can see so much sky with two eyes and bins!

so I've lied down on the recliner And got comfortable and immediately spotted Alioth shining bright in the sky,

ive gone  gone left to Alkaid which was also shining like a diamond  in the sky ,

i then look up in the hopes of seeing M102, 

i see something .... A very dim smudge, I can't be certain but I think I've found it.

back down to Alkaid then a drop below to M51, again I might be wrong but I think I've located it,

again just a smudge but even dimmer then the M102,

im impressed so far, just ordered another pair 10x50 ,

back off to view some more


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Ha ha brilliant it'll be 15x70's soon... I love my binocular observing nights - Just laying on the recliner scanning the skies looking at billions or colourful stars glistening away... then I hunt down targets! I love the wide Field of Views and in particular the star colours using my Apollos. 

Another great thing is they are easy to transport on holidays, used with a monopod it's just brilliant... looking forward for your next targets bagged

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Thanks for your message I think I really like bins....

dont you just hate it when people show up an interrupt? Haha my poor guests are getting daggers ??? I will have to put these down for a hour and come back  so I'm not being ignorant 

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So I'm back point straight in the direction of Lyra , vega is shining bright , take a left to the m57 which is barely visible then wait.......

was it?........

a shooting star flew past the constellation??? Just like a glowing star shooting across my FOV

god I love bins

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I'm going to end my report here tonight....

I want to just enjoy the bins for tonight with it being my first night with them .

plenty of reports to come in future.

so anyway I love bins,

as for these ones I have I can't fault them I've really enjoyed myself, I'm not noticing any comer around the edges , a monopod or tripod would be needed if not  reclining , I'm going for the more portable monopod.....

nice crisp views TBH , I wasn't expecting so much bang for my buck, at £46 it's been bargain of the year.


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P.S. The minimal work you have to put in when scanning the sky with bins is refreshing, relaxing and even kind of meditating .....

reminds me of when I go fishing and I'm peacefully lying on my bivy bed feeling a million miles away. 

I could get used to this

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17 minutes ago, Nathan UK said:

P.S. The minimal work you have to put in when scanning the sky with bins is refreshing, relaxing and even kind of meditating .....

reminds me of when I go fishing and I'm peacefully lying on my bivy bed feeling a million miles away. 

I could get used to this

I always feel at one with the universe when looking through bins. I dont get the same feeling with scopes.

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1 minute ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

I always feel at one with the universe when looking through bins. I dont get the same feeling with scopes.

Lying in the recliner comfortably an peacefully observing the sky is something else, 

i love the detail and mag a scope delivers but I feel like I work hard for my targets with bins I just glide through so easily, I think the lack of work with the slow motion controls and turning this and that and the fact you can lie back and relax makes more time to enjoy and take in what your seeing. I noticed my eyes adjust quicker also probably because I'm so relaxed an taking in the view

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6 minutes ago, Littleguy80 said:

I spotted a couple of Meteors whilst out tonight. I’d take a guess that’s what you saw

Thanks mate, must of been .....it was deffo something along those lines, it was such a pleasant surprise! Stayed in my fov for a good few seconds 

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6 hours ago, Nathan UK said:

Thanks mate, must of been .....it was deffo something along those lines, it was such a pleasant surprise! Stayed in my fov for a good few seconds 

A meteor would have gone through very quickly (unless you panned with it of course) so I suspect a satellite. You could check on Heavens Above if you know the time and where you were looking. There is loads of 'stuff' up there!

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Great series of reports, so pleased you managed to get out with the new toy.

From what you're saying it does indeed seem liked the bargain of the year. It doesn't seem possible to have so much enjoyment for so little outlay.

Good luck and keep having fun.

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3 hours ago, Stu said:

A meteor would have gone through very quickly (unless you panned with it of course) so I suspect a satellite. You could check on Heavens Above if you know the time and where you were looking. There is loads of 'stuff' up there!

Maybe so mate, I really can't remember what time it was now.

1 hour ago, Astro Imp said:

Great series of reports, so pleased you managed to get out with the new toy.

From what you're saying it does indeed seem liked the bargain of the year. It doesn't seem possible to have so much enjoyment for so little outlay.

Good luck and keep having fun.

Deffo got bargain of the year! 

Thanks guys


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