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Possible Aurora tonight....Friday 8th Sept.

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Well there maybe clouds....... there maybe a full Moon..... there maybe an illuminated oil refinery on your Northern skyline.....

but, that lovely sunspot  (AR 2673 )   keeps on giving.    A CME  from a few days ago might excite things in the upper atmosphere.

If you are lucky enough to have favourable conditions, take a peek.

http://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/         ( this website is looking promising at 17:00 BST, but it does update ).



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Well I suppose we should have expected this to happen......  any observable activity ceases just before it gets dark enough to observe !


Typical !.....    I was sat by a rainy, windswept, god-for-saken reservoir in Yorkshire last night waiting for the 'calendar' shot.  

There til  past midnight,  no mobile signal, so oblivious to the 'truth' of the data.   Even missed a curry .....

Oh why do we do it ????


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2 hours ago, Craney said:

 Even missed a curry .....

Oh why do we do it ????

Because we never learn ! Or big kids excited about the next , I dunno, present, trip to the fun fair, ? something is wrong with us :(

I had similar but shorter experience, I have a dark home site but my view to the north is blocked by the hill that I live on ( and my trees that grow upon it dont help !), so trip in the car round 'tother side at dusk, nothing! waited till it got reasonably proper dark, took a few long exposures to check :( still nothing, not even a vague white arc low in the north which is the usual indication of things to come. Eager to hear what chums in the north were seeing I came home for a quick login fully intending going back out later or midnight-ish, but no dispatches from 'the front' meant I stayed home :)

I had high hopes of that Kp9 !!!! What a let down :crybaby2:

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1 minute ago, Craney said:

Secretly, I am quite glad the Northern Aurora-mafia haven't being bombarding us with jaw drawing photos.....  that would have been rock salt in the wounds...

What like this one across Oban bay Thursday night ??  ;-)

(Not my image - taken handheld by a friend with a phone !!)




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19 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

What like this one across Oban bay Thursday night ??  ;-)

(Not my image - taken handheld by a friend with a phone !!)

I suppose there has to be some consolation for living way up there :) Dont you just hate all these amateurs with their ubiquitous phones ! :evil4: Nice one though !

Is (s)he a member here to give us (all dahnsouth)  advance warning, and if not why not :blob7:  At least I was blissfully ignorant of that event, it was cats&dogs all the while here and there would have been a great gnashing of teeth and much wailing at chez-me !

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