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2 nights on the run after 2 years


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After nearly 2 years of languishing in my garage, I've dusted off my scope and reentered the SGL world!  I have been crazy busy with work, but I'm on holiday now and scaled back on some other commitments, meaning I can (hopefully) spend some more time on my astronomy.  I've missed it.

I've managed two nights on the run here in Leeds, despite a bright moon, a floodlight worthy of a railway yard next door and a limited view.  Very pleased with what I've seen and definitely feel I've been bitten by the bug again.  I decided to revisit some old classics to get my eye in again, and dug out my copy of Turn left at Orion to help.  

Wednesday night was kicked off with the double-double just to check seeing and the set-up.  Pleased to be able to almost split it at 150x, definite elongation of the stars.  Albireo next, lovely colours, easily split.  I tried my hand at M57, an old favourite, and could see the little smoke ring too.  61 Cygni, Gamma Delphini and then a little Moon observation before packing up and coming in.

Thursday, before the moon spoilt my party, I had a go at M71 in Sagitta and could just make out a hint of nebulosity. Need darker skies for that I feel.  M27, the dumbell next.  Nice, fuzzy bowtie.  Andromeda was there too.  I then had a go at some doubles in Cassiopeia next.  Eta Cassiopeia was lovely with a bright yellow primary and a much fainter red secondary.  Struve 163 right next to Epsilon Cassiopeia is a nice little double on my way to try and find Iota Cassiopeia, which is a triple (optically - it's a quintuple system I believe).  Struggled to split this tonight - not sure if I have the resolving power, or if I need better seeing.  I'm off to the in-laws in Powys, with beautiful dark skies in two weeks, so will try some more stuff there.

Oh, caught a few early Perseids last night too.

TLDR? It's good to be back :)


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Sounds like a good start to settle back in! I've not really done much this year (maybe a couple of days right at the start of the year). But I'm looking forward to getting back into it as well. My lovely lady was teasing me last night saying that I've been obsessed with looking at telescopes and related equipment over the past week or so....and I should be helping plan wedding things instead.... :tongue2:

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Welcome back Wiki, must feel good to be observing again.

Seeing for me was not very good last night, so hopefully you will have better views in future - the Double Double should be quite easy at x150.

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29 minutes ago, Stu said:

Welcome back Wiki, must feel good to be observing again.

Seeing for me was not very good last night, so hopefully you will have better views in future - the Double Double should be quite easy at x150.

Thanks - I've had the Double Double with this set up before, so I know it must be down to the seeing.  Any idea on Iota Cass?  Was it the seeing or the set-up that stopped me from splitting it?

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Great comeback tour :) It's good to revisit the classics. I spent a fair bit of time looking for some small planetary nebulars last night but took a break half way through to look at M13. Was really refreshing to look at a big, bright and easy to find glob. Spectacular at 150x with lots of resolvable stars. I've not seen Eta Cassiopeia before so I've added that to my list of things to see :) 

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Your post proves why it's not a good idea to sell up the gear if the interest fades...it can come back.

Weather has been pants in Powys the last few weeks but traditionally the weather improves towards the end of the school holidays...  :D So I think you might be in for a treat. :)

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5 hours ago, Wikiastro said:

Thanks - I've had the Double Double with this set up before, so I know it must be down to the seeing.  Any idea on Iota Cass?  Was it the seeing or the set-up that stopped me from splitting it?

2.6", mag 4.6 and 6.9 so an unequal pair which is more difficult. What's your scope, sorry can't see?

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Welcome back! Re the 6 year olds, I found that inviting them out into the garden at midnight to see something-or-other (yawn) was enough to send them off to sleep!

It's a lifelong hobby - we all take breaks but the night sky draws us back into her spell.......


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