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Astrokev's ROR - The Build


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@JamesFI agree.  As a scientist (or rather ex-scientist) I suppose my method is to analyse a project 28 different ways before I start, consider all the weak or risky areas and try and design those out. This obviously doesn't catch everything, but I enjoy this approach and it works for me. I'm also a trained artist and have always been able to mentally visualise complex concepts in 3D. I love design concept problem solving.

That said, there are certainly a number of bits on my obsy that, with hindsight, I would do differently if I had to do it again (no chance of the latter, once is quite enough!). Likewise, I see many bits on other builds (including Lee's) that I would have done differently. Nothing's ever perfect. This, and the fact that we're all unique individuals with our own tastes and preferences, is what makes life, and this forum, so interesting. Wouldn't it be boring if every obsy looked the same ?

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I apologise as I maybe have come across a tad discourteously. That wasn't my intension, it just infuriates me when i read posts where some one almost poo poos what you have done indirectly biased on their own almost self professed expert opinion. Laughably it wasnt even on this thread so again sorry for the rant, I am unashamedly still fuming as my new Meade scope that's just arrived has yet another Meade quality control flaw...this is 5 scopes in a row now... ?? but anyway...back to Kevs build....It's looking awesome now the floor is in ? I bet you stand there contemplating the positioning of all your gear now Kev lol ?

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@LeeRichI was hoping to get the mount and scope set up this afternoon, but the forecast was rubbish so didn't bother. Looks like I'll miss comet 46P at perihelion which is a shame.

Meade - never owned one I'm afraid. I guess they're good scopes (or should be), but I'm more of a Celestron man myself when it comes to SCT's. Just like I'm more of a Nikon man for DSLR's. No real reason.

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1 minute ago, Astrokev said:

@LeeRichI I'm more of a Celestron man myself when it comes to SCT's. Just like I'm more of a Nikon man for DSLR's. No real reason.

Sometimes it can just be down to asthetics Kev can't it? I like the look of Meade gear over other makes but the QC is shocking. Shame really.

But I will prevail lol ?

Horwig.....I.need that mug ??

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4 minutes ago, LeeRich said:

Sometimes it can just be down to asthetics Kev can't it?



It may be a biased sample, but a few top imagers seem to prefer Celestron - Damian Peach, Pete Lawrence - my guess is that it's not because the OTA looks pretty! The problem with scopes is that not many of us own (say) both a Cel' or a Meade, to be able to do a controlled comparison.  Many opinions are therefore based on a sample of one (not very scientific), but I guess you have to follow the weight of evidence (which still has risk). There is also variation between scopes from each vendor of course, which further complicates the issue.

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1 minute ago, Astrokev said:

I guess you have to follow the weight of evidence

This is the exact reason I decided on Meade as reading here on SGL and CN the overwhelming "opinion" on how much better Meade optics where over Synta won it for me. But as of yet I dont feel much like a winner ?

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3 minutes ago, Gina said:

I started with a Celestron but since have gone for SkyWatcher - same make anyway.

Yes, the MN is a great scope. I chose the C11 for high mag imaging of planets which is a little beyond the MN. Like you though, I have a fairly fast Esprit which is great for wider field stuff :) 

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Meanwhile, back to the build ?…...

I had other plans for today (thought I'd better start doing stuff for Christmas!), but thought I'd just tidy up the building site. So, five minutes tidying turned into more than a few hours ……

Cut the remaining pieces of ply to fit around the pillar, which now looks a lot neater. I was tempted to take the floor up and varnish the underside, but knowing it would take a day to dry and there was a chance I may get the scope out later, I decided to leave it and play with the door instead. Sorry, no pictures, but I worked on the baton that will cover the gap on the lock-side of the door/frame. Unfortunately, it turned out to be more work than I thought as I had to progressively reduce the thickness of the baton since the bottom of the door sits a few mm inside the door frame. Treated the baton with preserver and will give it a coat of paint to match the door next chance I get.

The exciting news is that I set-up the scope this evening and had First Light ??. Took ages to find all the bits, which were scattered all over the house. I have to say that the space around the scope is fantastic, and I can't wait until everything is set-up properly. The sky got progressively worse as the evening wore on, but I managed to see 46P and a few of the brighter DSO's through the murk to officially christen the observatory.






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Wonderful, last night was a short session, but clear while it lasted.

If you ever want to 'bolt' something to the side of the pier, e,g, a small table\box for control equipment, the best solution I could find was the oversize jubilee clips i.e.  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Duct-Jubilee-Clip-Clamp-4-to-12-Flexible-Ducting-Hose-Pipe-Ventilation/282043290937?hash=item41ab171539:m:m-72SUBcAoYwPrdsU753UdQ 


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Excellent, Kev!   Well done!  ?  I think some foam strip around the pier at floor level would be a good idea to prevent small objects dropping through, unless floor tiles are going to do the same thing.

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1 hour ago, Gina said:

Excellent, Kev!   Well done!  ?  I think some foam strip around the pier at floor level would be a good idea to prevent small objects dropping through, unless floor tiles are going to do the same thing.

Thanks Gina. I was going to put bits of insulation fabric in the gap, and then put those rubber tiles down. More important things to do first though, like finish the door and get some locks for the ROR. now that I've got some kit in there, I suppose security should come first!

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23 minutes ago, Bizibilder said:

An excellent job!!  Gina beat me to say put a bit of foam in that gap (Don't ask why I know that is a wise decision :) !!).  

Haha ?  

Thanks, but the build isn't there yet - lots still to do ?

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Not much progress the last few days due to Christmas prep and weather, but I did manage to paint the door baton, which is looking very festive on my dining table!

Just need a decent day to attach it to the door now. 

I was in the observatory last night trying to image comet Wirtanen, and was reminded that I still need to put up some guttering. The rain was dripping off the roof onto my DSLR lenses. ?

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As Gina says: "Mind the gap!"

I've lost countess stuff through the portal on mine.

I swear it goes to quite another time or dimension.

Edited by Rusted
Ham fisted with the keys.
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4 hours ago, Astrokev said:

I still need to put up some guttering. The rain was dripping off the roof onto my DSLR lenses. ?

I was thinking similar thoughts as cold water dripped down my neck whilst doing some cladding. It was a way further down the list, but might just jump up in priority

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3 minutes ago, Yawning Angel said:

I was thinking similar thoughts as cold water dripped down my neck

You too?  Mind you, it wasn't as bad as when I unfolded some of the EPDM that I'd flipped out of the way whilst I was fixing the gable earlier today and had a sudden rush of cold water into my sleeve and down my arm :D


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The sun was shining today, so I found a bit of time to spend in the observatory.

Finally attached the baton on the door to cover the gap down the lock side and gave it a couple of coats of paint (the pic was taken before doing the second coat). Although this is mainly to keep rain out of the gap, I used stainless security screws as an extra deterrent. The door is essentially complete now, apart from painting the interior at some point.

I also took up the floor in the scope room and put a coat of exterior varnish on the underside. Probably overkill, but this may help reduce the risk of damp air rising from the ground under the building and affecting the plywood. This was touch dry by mid afternoon so screwed the whole floor finally in place. All floors are now finished. Next jobs are to paint the pier, fill the gap between the ply and the pier, then put down rubber floor tiles. I still need to fix some locks (probably turnbuckles) to the roof; maybe this should go to the top of the priority list, so I can sleep easy). With Christmas looming, and loads still to do to prepare for the big day, not sure when I'll next get out to the observatory - hopefully not too long. 




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